Targets & reminders
Set up time tracking targets for your team and they will be automatically reminded to log their hours via email if they did not fill out their minimum number of daily/weekly hours, or if they logged more time than needed.
Managers and admins can also receive an email each day/week/month of all the people who forgot to track their time or if they tracked more than their target.
Targets and reminders is an extra feature, which you can enable by upgrading to Standard, Pro, or Enterprise plan.
There are also You forgot to start the timer reminders, which you can enable inside time tracking apps (desktop app and browser extension, free feature).

Setting up timesheet reminders #
- Go to Team > Reminders tab
- Specify the target number of hours (daily/weekly/monthly) for your team members to track
- Specify when the reminders will be sent (when they’ve tracked MORE or LESS than target hours)
- Click Add
When the selected team members don’t reach their targets or go above them, Clockify will automatically send them an email:
- If you’ve set Day, team members will receive the reminder email the next day (you can choose workdays for when people have to fulfill their targets)
- If you’ve set Week, team members will receive the reminder email on the first day of the next week (the first day of the week depends on each user’s personal Week starts on setting). If you set Monday as your first day and my first working day is Wednesday, and you set a weekly reminder for me, a reminder will start counting from Wednesday (my first day). A reminder will always pick up the user’s information. You can check with users to set the same day, time, and timezone if it’s possible.
- If you’ve set a Month, team members will receive the reminder email on the first day of the next month
Users who haven’t verified their email address won’t receive reminders.

You can add multiple reminders for one user or group (e.g. 7h per day minimum, but 40h per week and 150h per month).
Allocate your team to User groups so you can choose several people at once instead of selecting them one by one.
If a user has a time off, or is on a holiday for that day, they won’t receive a reminder.
Emails for admins and managers #
If you wish to receive an email when someone forgets to log their time or they log too much time, click on a reminder’s Them option, and select who also needs to receive the email (admin, team manager).

- Manager and admins receive an email once a day/week/month for everyone who’s under/over their target
- All admins receive emails, and team managers only for their team members
- Admins and managers receive an email according to their personal Day starts and Timezone settings

Editing reminders #
To edit a reminder simply click on the highlighted section (users, hours, etc.).