What’s New

Check out full list of upcoming features

December 2023

What’s new

  • Updated Terms of Use and Privacy Policy
  • UX/UI improvements for tab navigation in the app

What’s fixed

  • Creating new items causes UI issues with illustrations
  • Exported PTO: incorrect date on preview

November 2023

What’s new

What’s fixed

  • Web to Windows app redirection 
  • Scheduling: In edit modal, some days displayed as unavailable
  • Shared weekly report: time entry details
  • Screenshots not properly loaded
  • Time off: Edit holiday screen
  • Custom fields (Windows app)
  • Load more button (Windows app)
  • Description after discarding idle time (Windows app)
  • Autotracker: Missing rows in table view (Mac)
  • Archive tags in offline mode (iOS)
  • Calendar: Description display (iOS)
  • Expenses: Upload receipt as image (iOS)
  • Improvements and fixes for Asana, Nozbe, Todoist, Azure DevOps and ClickUp integrations (Chrome & Firefox extensions)
  • Picking up project from integrations (Chrome & Firefox extensions)
  • Replacing user project with default project in old time entries (Chrome & Firefox extensions)
  • Autotracker: time entry improvements (Mac)
  • Bug fix for billable time entries (Mac)
  • Minor UX/UI bug fixes and improvements (Mac)
  • QuickBooks: Processing time entry
  • Total expenses on Submit for approval page (Android)
  • Expenses: Save a receipt when using Take a photo option (Android)
  • Various bug fixes and improvements (Android)
  • Loading detailed report
  • Hours of day on weekly report

October 2023

What’s new

  • Integrations:
    • ClickUp:
      • Added timer to task list view on ClickUp v3.0 (Chrome & Firefox extensions)
      • Pick up task (Chrome & Firefox extensions)
  • Reports: Redirection from Android device to web app applies current date range and filter
  • Approvals: Show users without tracked time in Unsubmitted tab
  • Kiosk: Choose and switch between projects/tasks
  • QuickBooks: Sync improvement
  • Track breaks (Android)
  • Infinite scroll on project/tag/default project screen (Chrome & Firefox extensions)

What’s fixed

  • Calendar:
    • Holidays not displayed properly if user has multiple workspaces (iOS)
    • Withdrawn PTOs available (iOS)
  • Assignment details: Missing note (iOS)
  • Time entries not sorted chronologically and semi-grouped after disabling group time entry in Profile settings on web (iOS)
  • No project option missing (Chrome & Firefox extensions)
  • Time off balance and history
  • Adding time for others: Tag picker
  • Scheduling: Duplicated projects on Team tab
  • Weeks sorted incorrectly in Assignment reports
  • Timezone mismatch banner on Calendar screen (iOS)
  • Time tracker: Loading and searching tasks (iOS)
  • Entry in progress missing billable icon (Android)
  • Signup option removed from custom domain (Android)
  • Sorting time entries in sync with web app (Chrome extensions)
  • Issue with duration field formatting for multi-digit numbers (Chrome & Firefox extensions)
  • LDAP single sign-on option removed

September 2023

What’s new

What’s fixed

  • Pending status displayed for next week after submitting approval (Android)
  • Duplicated time zones on Choose time zone screen (Android)
  • Timesheet: Total not including weekend hours (Android)
  • PTO: Day period reverts back to Full day after opening list of available policies (Android)
  • Timesheet: weekly total differs from Submit total (Android)
  • Expenses: Attachment format (iOS)
  • Description field empty after version update (Windows app)
  • Duration not displayed on time entry (Windows app)
  • Force offline issue (Windows app)
  • Integrations:
    • ZohoDesk: Issue with timer (Chrome & Firefox extensions)
  • Fix for log in/sign up (Chrome & Firefox extensions)
  • Added clientId to scheduling V1 API (Get all assignments endpoint) 
  • Admin panel: Deactivated user issue
  • Various minor UI/UX fixes
  • Time tracker: Timestamps displaying incorrect end time when continue timer option is used (Android)

August 2023

What’s new

  • Auto tracker – improvements (Windows app):
    • Resize, sort column
    • Search time entries
    • Data storage limit extended to 45 days
  • Improved trial extensions
  • Track breaks
  • Show running entry on Calendar (iOS)
  • UX/UI Improvement for Timesheet, Tracker, Reports, My profile and Calendar screens (iOS)
  • Signup removed from both custom/sub domain (Chrome & Firefox extensions)
  • Display a pop-up window when adding time manually (Chrome extensions)
  • Improved offline detection on login screen (Linux)
  • Log in with browser (Linux)
  • Subscription: Payment page improvements
  • Improved task budget estimate (API v1)
  • Improved workflow for deactivated users
  • Scroll redesign
  • Start/stop timer via widget (Android)
  • Time off policy/Holiday colors (Android)

What’s fixed

  • Various minor UX/UI fixes (Windows app)
  • Error when switching between workspaces (Windows app)
  • Improvements for light/dark theme change (Windows app)
  • Approved expenses: Open attached receipts and notes (iOS)
  • Syncing task status with web app (iOS)
  • Issues with custom fields (Chrome extensions)
  • Integrations:
    • Clickup: UX/UI fixes and improvements (Chrome extensions)
  • Decimal format not displayed in time entry details (Linux)
  • Discard button on Time entry details screen (Mac)
  • Changing in-app language, changes app’s theme – light and dark (Mac)
  • Details on hover for certain dates not visible on Summary report chart
  • Expenses: Can’t upload receipt as PDF
  • Projects added to Scheduled calendar appear although not filtered out
  • Time off: Hours policy not properly displaying requested Time off
  • Time tracker: Last week total changes after switching to Reports screen (iOS)
  • Signing up option removed from subdomain and custom page (iOS)
  • Custom subdomain login with Okta via SAML2 (iOS)

July 2023

What’s new

  • UX/UI improvements (Linux app):
    • Custom login window
    • Subdomain and custom domain login improvements
    • Auto tracker (keep user settings, entry menu and delete entry option, dark mode)
    • Create task
    • Custom fields
    • User permissions
  • Kiosk: No special characters in Kiosk name
  • Timesheet: Delete time from a cell
  • Shared report: Search by name
  • Time off: Assign colors to time off policies and holidays
  • Get redirected when opening notification from different workspace (iOS)
  • Voiceover accessibility improvements (iOS)
  • Show whole receipt if attached as PDF (iOS)
  • Calendar: Drag and drop improvements (iOS)
  • Decimal and compact duration format (Mac)
  • Expenses: Attach receipt in PDF (Android)
  • Receive and open Time off and Scheduling notifications from another workspace (Android)
  • QuickBooks:
    • Improved error handling
    • Send time entries for previously synced inactive and deleted users

What’s fixed

  • Bug fixes (Linux app):
    • Autotracker
    • Projects page
    • Time tracker page
    • Workspace settings: custom fields, decimal settings
    • Image import
  • Link created via custom field not clickable
  • Issue with start/stop timer icon (iOS)
  • Issue with grouping time entries on Time tracking page
  • Custom fields value on the time entry not updated (API v1)
  • Incorrect billable status on multiple time entries
  • Summary report: When grouped by tag, some tag combinations are listed twice 
  • Time tracker: Option to choose project from another workspace removed from project picker
  • Signing up on subdomain removed (Chrome & Firefox extensions)
  • Issue with sorting grouped entries when expanded (Chrome & Firefox extensions)
  • Issue with timezones: Clockify timezone vs system timezone (Chrome & Firefox extensions)
  • Integrations:
    • Miro, Gmail, Basecamp, Figma: Start timer button missing (Chrome & Firefox extensions)
    • GitHub: Wrong project name when starting timer (Chrome & Firefox extensions)
  • Summary Report chart not displaying correct hours
  • Missing translations
  • Single sign-on: Filled out fields for SAML2 configuration not displayed on admin panel
  • Signing up on subdomain and custom domain removed (Linux app)
  • Signing up on subdomain removed (Android)

June 2023

What’s new

  • Auto tracker: Data storage limit extended to 45 days (Mac)
  • Improvements for reminders (Mac)
  • UX/UI improvements for time entry details (Mac)
  • Change app theme based on system (iOS)
  • Admins and Team managers can edit pending time entries and expenses
  • Set preferred date format (Android)
  • Set time zone automatically (Android)
  • Choose a week and day start (Android)
  • 24-hour clock format (Android)
  • Enhanced app speed (Android)
  • UX/UI improvements for dropdown menus (Windows app)
  • Group time entries by approval period (Windows app)
  • Invoicing: Partially paid status
  • Mark overnight entries on shared reports and on PDF export of detailed reports
  • Time off: Request time off in 15 minute increments (Android)
  • Multiple currencies per workspace

What’s fixed

  • Negative duration of time entry (iOS)
  • Dark to light mode not retained after user exits the app (Android)
  • Time off: Duplicated approved PTO emails
  • Time entry slightly shorter if moved or copied in Calendar view
  • Required custom fields without default value cannot be edited in workspace settings
  • Summary report: Long decimal display in CSV export

May 2023

What’s new

  • Approved entries visible in ‘Archive’ tab after user’s deactivation
  • See time spent per project in Summary report bar chart
  • Scheduled vs tracked report available for all user roles
  • Invoices: Improved increment for invoice IDs
  • Time off: Request time off in 15 minute increments
  • UX/UI improvements for scrolling through dates on Timesheet, Scheduling, Time off pages
  • Detailed report: Admins can add entries to archived projects
  • Expenses: Attach receipt in PDF (iOS)
  • PTO: Different colors displayed for time off policy and holiday (iOS)
  • UX improvements for Time tracker (iOS)
  • UX/UI improvements for side menu (iOS)
  • Time off: Request time off in 15-minute increments (iOS)
  • Kiosk: Search users

What’s fixed

  • Creating negative amount for expenses
  • Minor bug fixes for number format settings
  • Minor UX/UI bug fixes for Calendar
  • When exporting Attendance report as CSV or Excel file, at times, wrong dates are displayed
  • Issue with setting up password when using Apple login (iOS)
  • Project manager can’t see project on Schedule page
  • Discrepancy between total amount on Time tracker and Dashboard when in decimal format
  • When assigning all active projects to Project manager, archived projects are selected as well
  • Project manager unable to add users to project they manage if permission is set to “Only their own time”
  • Missing translation in some places
  • Weekly report email: minor improvements
  • Various minor UX/UI fixes and improvements
  • Switching workspaces on extensions not synchronized with web
  • No audit log for approved expense

April 2023

What’s new

  • Track team’s daily attendance
  • Unified ‘Delete’ option: Consistent color for the ‘Delete’ option throughout the whole app
  • Scheduling and Calendar sync improved
  • Mark tasks as ‘done’ when archiving projects

What’s fixed

  • One-day PTO request displayed as two in Timeline tab for UTC – time zone
  • Minor UX/UI Calendar issues
  • Minor UX/UI Scheduling issues
  • Break entry not exported in Excel or CSV for Detailed report
  • Discrepancy issue in total time between Dashboard and Summary report in decimal format
  • In some cases, Calendar displays weekend time as ‘scheduled’ even if not set on Scheduling page
  • Estimate settings not transferred to project created from template with these settings
  • During single sign-on configuration, incomplete URL displayed in Entity ID field
  • Issues with ‘Sort by progress’ on “Projects” page

March 2023

What’s new

  • Indicator of overnight time entries
  • Invoices: Download expenses
  • Bulk edit users
  • Approval: Total time off
  • Date of creation and approval in CSV/Excel export
  • Time off: Request export
  • Scheduling: Project managers can add milestones

What’s fixed

  • Enabling task filter throws an error for some users
  • Task assignee picker shows active and archived users regardless of selected status
  • Monthly approval causing blank Timesheet for some users
  • Time tracker page adds extra minute when editing time entry
  • Importing data to workspace throws an error for some users
  • Team member filters out users, but some that are not part of the team still appear

February 2023

What’s new

  • In lists, selected Items are displayed on top
  • Time off: Specify half of day
  • Improvements for scheduled vs tracked report
  • Improvements for modals on Time off and Dashboard pages
  • Kiosk: Kiosk name displayed in browser tab
  • Improvement for scroll on long dropdown lists
  • API: Create task with status “DONE”
  • Screenshots: High resolution, time entry details and UX improvements

What’s fixed

  • Scheduling page not loading for some users
  • Regular user cannot sort projects by progress
  • In Timeline tab in Time off page, table header with dates should be visible during scroll
  • For some users, export of detailed report fails for longer date ranges
  • Empty notes in invoices exported as PDF
  • User gets error if trying to create time entry on Time tracker page if another entry is running
  • Summary report chart changes colors after PDF export
  • Schedule: Search not working on Projects and Team tabs
  • Category filter for expense reports not showing archived categories

January 2023

What’s new

  • Time entry custom field: required
  • Adding billable and cost rates to scheduled assignments
  • Invoice emails (improved security)

What’s fixed

  • Time on Detailed report page not sorted properly in PDF, CSV and Excel exported file
  • Weekly report is empty if billable hours are turned off in the permission settings
  • Reminders sent to users that don’t have that feature turned on
  • UX/UI bugs on Timesheet and Kiosk
  • API for updating workspace cost rate not sending “cost rate” property
  • Admin not receiving request approval email if user doesn’t have Team manager
  • Various minor UI and UX fixes and improvements
  • Updated time entry in audit log displayed as approved and invoiced

December 2022

What’s new

What’s fixed

  • User randomly logged out and can’t log in via 2FA until browser cache is cleared
  • In-range time zone endpoint returns wrong time entries
  • Wrong error message when user deactivates and reactivates kiosk
  • Modal stays open user goes back/forward within the same page
  • Date range goes over the limit if longer than allowed date range is selected
  • Various minor UI and UX fixes and improvements
  • Missing search bar for custom fields with select/multiselect dropdown
  • Project marked as favorite with “Project and task favorites” option disabled
  • API for creating Client not sending “note” property
  • 2FA enabled on free plan
  • Tags not visible on medium-sized screens
  • Group members don’t see all shared reports on Shared reports page
  • Unsubmitting timesheets for time zone change results in infinite load
  • Admin/owner can’t create more than 10 webhooks per workspace
  • Project estimate not responsive on “Project settings” tab
  • After refresh Budget column disappears in Tasks tab in Project settings
  • With sidebar collapsed, user has no permissions to access workspace settings
  • Various minor UI and UX fixes and improvements
  • Outlook Calendar connection fails in some cases
  • Total time in Time tracker doesn’t change for monthly and semi-monthly period when new entry is added
  • Reminders display wrong assignees
  • Wrong number format rounding on Schedule page
  • Issue with calculation for invoice total amount
  • Old policies exclude limited users
  • Expenses not included in PDF report if receipt is in PDF format
  • UX and UI bug fixes and improvements for invoices
  • Note added to reports in “Customize exports” not save
  • User gets error when updating shared report via API
  • Some users have issues with creating projects through templates
  • User not able to submit time off request for a time policy in hours
  • Issue with Europe set as time zone
  • User gets error if generating detailed report for previous year

November 2022

What’s new

  • Export expenses and receipts in PDF
  • Summary report:
    • Colors in pie chart represent the colors of entities on the first level of grouping
  • Added message if required fields missing on “Timesheet” and “Detailed reports” page
  • Improved activate timesheet template

What’s fixed

  • Some users are unable to connect to QuickBooks integration
  • Resizing or moving time entry on “Calendar” page
  • Filtering by client in “Projects” page
  • Various minor UI and UX fixes and improvements
  • Calendar page not displayed properly if there are a lot of events in the Outlook calendar
  • Calendar icon on Time tracker page displays wrong date
  • Multiple issues with deleting time entries from the Timesheet page
  • Wrong dates on Approvals page
  • Billable project entries displayed as non-billable
  • Error when user clicks the “Send reminder” button for sending a reminder email for invoices
  • Total amount not displayed in PDF export if billable amount is unchecked in Detailed export settings
  • If user selects “Today” as total time, there is a mismatch of total hours on Time tracker page
  • “Save” button on Timesheet page disabled, but all required fields are filled out
  • All workspace projects visible in picker on Invoices page if client has no assigned projects
  • Optimized performance (reports)
  • For some entires, billable amount wrongly displayed as 0
  • Clients listed in random order in “Client” list
  • Various Scheduling bug fixes
  • Invoice field glitches if multiline description is added in invoice item field
  • Various kiosk bug fixes and improvements
  • Improvements for dates on Approvals page
  • Error when downloading receipts on Detailed Expense report
  • Invoice emails delayed
  • Timeline for time off breaks if user has a lot of data

October 2022

What’s new

What’s fixed

  • End time on “Time tracker” page not displayed correctly
  • Regular users can’t see “Invoices” page with “Project/Team” page hidden in permissions
  • Manually changed time returns to original value
  • “Next” and “Previous” buttons not working properly in Calendar view
  • Entry rate is sometimes missing when entry is created
  • Discrepancy with expenses on “Approvals” page for minus time zone
  • Member of the private project not seeing the project on their side
  • User can’t add Client Note by using API
  • Client filter on Reports page not working properly

September 2022

What’s new

  • Scheduling: Repeat assignments
  • Pomodoro: Focus mode
  • When you register from the kiosk landing page, kiosk is enabled by default
  • Allow half day and hourly time off across multiple days
  • Resize columns on Detailed report and Projects page

What’s fixed

  • Time zone mismatch when sending time entries to QuickBooks
  • When you leave the Time tracker page open over night, the date picker doesn’t add time for today
  • Clicking on a billable sign takes a second or two to register
  • “Week already submitted” error when submitting expenses for approval
  • Sorting by amount not working for specific grouping combinations
  • When copying previous week’s timesheet, Monday isn’t copied
  • Inconsistent heights of bar charts on the Dashboard
  • Project missing on print preview of approved Timesheet week
  • Team manager can’t see users without time in weekly report
  • Indefinite load for summary reports with yearly date range
  • First working day not Start day from Profile settings
  • Time off requests not submitted properly after policy changes
  • Admins, Team managers and Specific members don’t receive emails of withdrawn time off request
  • Some users don’t receive weekly report

August 2022

What’s new

  • Invoicing improvements
    • Sent invoices with past due date get automatic overdue status
    • Filter invoices (by status, client, issue date, amount, bill from company, and ID)
    • Sort invoices (by ID, client, issue date, due date, status, and amount)
    • Add line break in invoice item description
    • Allow specific users to manage invoices
  • Favorite projects and tasks (Windows app)
  • Rearrange items in sidebar
  • Mark assignment in Schedule as billable or nonbillable
  • Set the amount of allowed negative balance for a time off policy
  • Hide completed tasks on Project status page
  • Hide weekends from Calendar page
  • Choose rounding setting directly in reports

What’s fixed

  • Filter weekly report removes users’ without time from view
  • Recurring holidays are not displayed in Scheduling when viewing next year
  • Admins and Team managers don’t receive some time off emails
  • Change email flow doesn’t require password confirmation
  • When creating entry from auto complete, billable status is inherited from that entry instead of the project/task
  • Admin can’t change some team member’s name
  • Missing progress indicator when timesheet template is activated
  • Some users can’t approve timesheets
  • User name is missing on print view of timesheet
  • “Remind to submit” email is not sent when week only has expenses
  • Expenses are shown in the approved request even though the user submitted only entries
  • Group member unable to pull task list from the private project
  • Title on PDF reports overlap with logo
  • Can’t create project template
  • Google login doesn’t work when 2FA is enabled on workspace
  • Reminders that a user didn’t track enough time are sent to admins even if the user has time off
  • Login link in 2FA email is missing
  • Approval emails show the wrong approver
  • Regular users can’t see amount even if they have the permission
  • GPS location is not shown when you click on a user’s entry
  • Users who are not part of the group are getting reminders for other users
  • Regular users can see button for creating limited members
  • Old currency is displayed on Approvals page for expenses

July 2022

What’s new

What’s fixed

  • Create and edit popups are closed and you lose entered data if you accidentally click outside of popup
  • Templates and Copy Last Week in Timesheet doesn’t copy breaks
  • Bill from address isn’t displayed on some invoices
  • Log in as user in Accounts tab not working chat is enabled
  • Some users can’t see their tasks in project picker
  • Approval emails don’t look good
  • User agent sometimes saves wrong time zone during registration
  • Some users do not receive weekly scheduled reports
  • “Publish” button on Schedule disabled out after adding a new assignment
  • Estimate in Summary report export are returned only when Project or Task is in the first or second grouping level
  • Projects created via API don’t follow default billable setting from Workspace Settings
  • Scheduled hours in timeline view and Edit assignment view don’t match
  • Distorted Detailed report on Safari
  • Error when adding company address on an invoice without a client

June 2022

What’s new

  • Improved Scheduling
    • Allow Project managers to create and publish assignments
    • Filter assignments by user and group
  • Improved Invoicing
    • Customize “bill from” address for each invoice
    • Bulk delete items in an invoice

What’s fixed

  • Approval column moved upfront in Excel report
  • When activating timesheet, required project is disabled without checkmark
  • Stop and discard are disabled on a running entry
  • Assignment can be created for a private project that user has no access to
  • Project manager can’t see Team filter in reports
  • Time off timeline loading too long when This Year selected
  • Time off calculates wrong dates after the winter time change

May 2022

What’s new

What’s fixed

  • Missing 2FA for admin panel
  • Day is added when a user selects one day and changes policy
  • Project status disparity with Detailed report
  • Customize reports shows blank pop-up
  • Duplicated assignments on Scheduling page
  • Today’s running timer shows up on for each week in Calendar
  • Can’t click on an item in Summary report to see it in Detailed report
  • Time off requests is sometimes duplicated
  • Alerts are sent twice
  • Error when downloading a CSV report for Audit log
  • Time off period shows incorrectly when people are in different time zones
  • Unable to update who can see section for the shared reports

April 2022

What’s new

What’s fixed

  • Percentages are missing in Dashboard
  • Tax in PDF invoices doesn’t show more than 2 decimals
  • Some project status bars don’t show percentages for used hours
  • Team manager can’t see time in the shared Weekly report they’ve created
  • Regular users can’t see billable rate column on Team page (when they have the permission to see it)
  • 2FA error when a user doesn’t have an active workspace selected
  • Some users receive a running timer reminder even though they are not running any
  • Team manager see more policies in the balance tab than they should
  • Time in Timesheet is moved by one hours because of daylight saving time
  • Time off request is sometimes duplicated
  • Calendar Today view gets messed up when switching between days
  • Some expenses are hidden when there’s a time zone mismatch
  • Users receive time tracking reminders even if they have time off

March 2022

What’s new

  • Change Client/Project/Task label
  • Improved Scheduling
    • Publish assignments
    • Users can see their assignments
    • Copy assignment
    • Split assignment
    • Shift schedule by X days
    • See total assigned hours per user
    • See time off along assignments
    • Move milestones via drag-n-drop
    • Improved print view
  • Improved Calendar
    • Discard or stop running timer
    • Stop timer for another user
    • Running timer is added to daily total
    • Events inherit color from external calendar
  • API improvements
    • Get expense report
    • Update task rate (billable, cost)

What’s fixed

  • Owner who also has manager role doesn’t receive other admin related reminders
  • Users not able to access previously created shared reports
  • Invoices, PDF, and CSV reports written in Hebrew export incorrectly
  • Amount mismatch when creating Category in Expenses
  • “Day” view in Calendar isn’t remembered when you return to the page
  • Screenshot app is generating hundreds of screenshots
  • “Without note” filter in Expense report doesn’t work
  • Logo overlaps with title in PDF reports
  • Bar charts in Summary report don’t match exact values
  • Approvals page shows 0h on approved entries
  • Accept invite page shows password when single sign-on login is forced
  • Project status page is not updated automatically each time it’s opened
  • Admin who has Team Manager role can’t see groups in team filter in reports
  • Add time for others and project bulk update is slow
  • Error when creating approving timesheet for a user who is not registered
  • When stopping timer with “select” type custom field, default value overrides user’s choice
  • When cost rate is set, project status starts calculating workspace billable rate instead of its project rate

February 2022

What’s new

What’s fixed

  • Some regular users don’t receive timesheet reminder email
  • Duration column on summary report is not vertically aligned
  • Invoice logo low aspect ratio issue
  • Difference in time duration when using compact duration format
  • Scheduling is slow when there are a lot of assignments
  • Work Log in JIRA isn’t updated when we have a running timer and start a new one
  • Timesheet approval for last week is not working properly
  • Can’t filter approval requests by group
  • User’s address is not aligned with the Client’s address in invoices
  • Custom field values are not visible in Timesheet when changing project’s default value
  • Screenshots recording on Windows crashes the app
  • Slow user load because user endpoints don’t have pagination
  • Can’t upload file for SAML2 metadata in admin panel
  • Logo in PDF invoices is cut off
  • Removed signup link and password from self-hosted login when forced single sign-on
  • When user clicks on a project in Summary report, it excludes them Detailed report
  • Expense report and CSV export off by 1 day
  • When joining a workspace or creating an account that has an invite, you’re not required to verify email
  • “Approve all” takes a long time to finish when there are a lot of timesheets
  • Custom fields don’t pick up default value from project settings in some cases
  • User redirected to regular login page when clicking “Manage tracked time”
  • Only “Without task” option available in the task picker when starting the JIRA integration and switching to manual mode
  • Lists displays tags with empty tag IDs
  • Time and project pickers are not being updated
  • Slow update when bulk editing multiple projects
  • Webhooks are disabled when a user has both admin and manager role
  • Switching user in “Balance” tab doesn’t work
  • “Requests” tab refresh sometimes doesn’t work
  • Switching workspaces while user is in “Balance” tab doesn’t reload
  • Filter in reports offers only only previously searched terms
  • Wrong email subject for Time Off emails addressed to Team Managers
  • Time off policies not properly displayed for Regular Users
  • UI issues for Time Off and available time balance
  • Pagination issue in Time Off tabs when user changes name
  • Non-rounded value is displayed on time off balance
  • When tax value is zero, it isn’t displayed in downloaded PDFs 
  • Not able to select “Last week” on Calendar view
  • User cannot accept workspace invitation due to “Internal server error”
  • Cannot edit expense mileage rate to 0.58 or from 0.56 to 0.57
  • Print view on Calendar, Timesheet, and other page has unnecessary elements
  • Changing time format in profile settings doesn’t automatically reflect in apps 
  • Can’t see non-working days in Timesheet
  • Unable to give assignment to owners on Scheduling page
  • Progress bar on Projects page is not shown when billable hours are disabled

January 2022

What’s new

  • Calendar day view
  • Submit timesheet for others
  • Custom fields (Windows app)
  • Improved admin panel (self-hosted)
  • API improvements
    • Get all invoices and get invoice by ID
    • Get time off requests and balance by user/policy
    • Get client by ID
    • Webhooks for invoicing (created/updated)
    • Webhooks for approval (submitted/approved/rejected/withdrawn)

What’s fixed

  • Discard and export not working in Audit log
  • User can withdraw their approved time off request 
  • Logo on invoices is too small
  • When user tries to print scheduling page, the first project on the list isn’t visible
  • “Remind to approve” is not working when the first submitted request is without team manager
  • When tax or discount isn’t applied, subtotal is visible
  • Can’t access holidays if there are no time off policies
  • Can’t assign manager role to workspace owner
  • Missing time off options in sidebar
  • Time entries created after December 28th, 2021 are displayed in invoice as entries from December 2022
  • Weekly report email doesn’t match the timesheet view hours
  • JIRA project picker: can’t see or search by clients, and other issues
  • Shared detailed report always shows USD currency icon
  • Can’t see locations on mobile web view
  • Weekend lines are messed up on PTO and Scheduling timelines
  • Clicking arrows to change dates Weekly report doesn’t work
  • Admin is unable to create an assignment for a private project in Schedule
  • Columns on Team page get messed up when billable hours are turned OFF
  • Missing translation in some places
  • A user can’t stop the timer in some cases
  • Day labels are missing on the calendar page
  • LDAP email address validation doesn’t work
  • Alert email is using project’s currency instead of workspace currency
  • In some time zones, time entries are imported to QuickBooks with incorrect date and inconsistent rounding
  • Various minor issues with Audit log
  • When Admin edits user’s name, this isn’t reflected on Time Off page
  • Project status calculation fails when owner changes their time zone
  • Teammate’s timesheet is not displayed correctly when accessed from Unsubmitted tab in Approvals

December 2021

What’s new

What’s fixed

  • Some users sometimes don’t get a weekly email report
  • API v1 sometimes doesn’t return updated task duration
  • Scheduled report is not sent when Day start is not a full hour
  • Regular user can’t see amount on reports if they’re allowed to see it but aren’t allowed to see what’s billable
  • Team filter is cleared when moving between reports
  • Time for Sunday is not shown in Timesheet
  • Some entries couldn’t be copied using template on Timesheet
  • Webhook task duration returns PT0S
  • Copy with time in Timesheet pastes templates even in locked time range
  • User gets “Something went wrong message” even after connecting to a different network
  • Various bugs and improvements for Time Off
  • Toast “Export settings updated” showing even if the setting wasn’t updated
  • User isn’t moved to default workspace when removed from active one
  • Time off doesn’t return correct holidays for long overlapping period
  • Various minor expense issues 

November 2021

What’s new

What’s fixed

  • Timer option appears in Calendar when tracker is turned off
  • Description isn’t left aligned on PDF invoice
  • Regular user can’t see amounts on reports when allowed
  • Multiple clicks create multiple identical expenses
  • Cost rate from workspace settings isn’t applied to non-billable entries
  • Project filter doesn’t remember active/archived filter when switching between reports
  • When a shared report is filtered only by a deactivated user, the report shows everyone’s time
  • When an expense is removed from an invoice, it remains marked as “invoiced”
  • Users can’t see their team’s time off
  • Item type column is too wide on invoice PDF
  • New users aren’t added to a time off policy when Everyone is selected
  • Expense isn’t updated when unit price is removed from its category
  • Multiple time entries are created when double clicking on Add
  • Owner unable to remove admin role if there are multiple roles
  • Entries are added twice on double click
  • Placeholder for custom field doesn’t inherit name
  • Old expenses take new unit price in invoices
  • Missing duration field on smaller screens when adding time for others
  • Missing amount in tooltip on reports
  • In Calendar, sometimes time popup doesn’t close

October 2021

What’s new

What’s fixed

  • Issue and due date of an invoice is incorrect in web app when in different time zone (but correct on PDF)
  • Billable time entries showing zero amount
  • Integrations tab in the workspace settings is not opening
  • Unable to create invoices on Asian server
  • Item type is null on an invoice
  • Error while generating a Summary report
  • Days and dates on Timesheet are not matching for all years
  • Can’t sort by amount in Summary report
  • Custom fields don’t inherit default value in some cases
  • Error “File not uploaded” during import
  • Customize export issues with unchecking all in the description column
  • JIRA integration error “Entry failed to save” when time rolls over to another day
  • When updating both time and billable status via Timesheet, one entry doesn’t get the new billable status
  • When updating an entry’s non-project field via Calendar, project’s new hourly rate is applied
  • Can’t sync users with QuickBooks if the user already exists in QuickBooks employee list
  • Reminders for different days are all sent together each day
  • Can’t rename project in some cases when cost rate is not defined

September 2021

What’s new

  • Expenses
  • Time off improvements
    • Allow regular users to see other people’s time off
    • Filter time off timeline by user and groups
    • Add and remove time off balance using decimals (e.g. 1.75h)

What’s fixed

  • Some admins can’t see pending approval requests
  • Missing pagination on Team and Reminders
  • In Time off Balance tab, Accrued number is same as Available
  • Can’t share reports with fixed dates
  • Missing client tooltip on hover
  • Budget reset doesn’t reset in some cases
  • Dashboard loads too long
  • UI elements briefly show their system keys instead of UI text 
  • Issue with resetting password on subdomains
  • Reminder emails not working properly for some team managers
  • When adding time for past dates in JIRA via manual mode, it’s added for today 
  • Various minor UI and UX fixes for time off
  • Task assignees dropdown not working properly

August 2021

What’s new

What’s fixed

  • Can’t see respective project’s client when scrolling in long lists
  • Toast messages don’t have icon (colorblind accessibility)
  • Can’t change project color due to unspecified cost rate
  • Entries created via Calendar don’t follow project’s default billable state
  • “This Year” date range in Dashboard returns error in some accounts
  • Admin can’t see pending approval requests in some cases
  • It’s possible to import time from one CSV file multiple times
  • Confusing message when trying to import time from badly formatted CSV
  • Can’t delete default subject from invoices
  • Outlook Calendar connection fails in some cases
  • Some projects are missing in the report’s project filter
  • Time entry are not properly imported from Clockify to QuickBooks when there are project with same name but different clients
  • Mismatch between reports and project status for some project
  • Public shareable link doesn’t show entries if you’re not logged in
  • Detailed report CSV export shows users as part of Admin group
  • Internal server error when updating custom field on a time entry
  • Time off requests is created for a day earlier in some cases
  • Minor cosmetic and UI fixes

July 2021

What’s new

  • Time off
  • Add inactive/invited users to projects
  • Add time for inactive/invited users
  • Weekends are visually distinct in Timesheet and Calendar
  • Custom fields (Android)
  • Invoicing improvements
    • Reorder items via drag&drop
    • Set defaults for new invoices
    • Simple/compounded calculation of Tax 2
    • Hide quantity/unit price from invoices
    • Display text right-to-left
    • Sort invoices

What’s fixed

  • Regular users can see clients in filter from private projects 
  • Selecting project is too slow
  • Can’t import inactive users’ time into invoice
  • Error when importing thousands of projects via CSV
  • Can’t send to QuickBooks time entries that don’t have hourly rate
  • Time entries don’t inherit custom field default value on some projects
  • In Team filter in reports, “Select all” selects both active and inactive users
  • Cosmetic and UI fixes

June 2021

What’s new

What’s fixed

  • Weekly report isn’t displayed properly
  • Billable entries made via continue button in apps doesn’t pick up hourly rate
  • Adding a tag via bulk edit overwrites old hourly rate
  • Continue button appears in Dashboard even though Time tracker is hidden
  • “Copy last week” on Timesheet copies archived projects
  • Various minor QuickBooks integration fixes
  • Missing hourly rate for some time entries in Detailed report
  • Wrong due date on invoices in some time zones
  • Project manager can’t see project progress for budget estimate
  • Outlook integration authorization error
  • Amount for billable time entry on is set to 0 when timer is started via continue
  • Admin can’t update project field for entries for multiple users via bulk edit
  • Entry is left without user if no user is selected in bulk edit
  • Project sorting doesn’t work on Projects page

May 2021

What’s new

What’s fixed

  • Zapier trigger for “new time entry” is missing amount and hourly rate
  • Regular user can duplicate entry and continue timer for task they no longer have access to (no longer assignee or task is marked as done)
  • User who has been deactivated and then reactivated gets back their old Project manager role (if they had it)
  • Deleted screenshot or location is removed after refresh
  • Can’t import more than 100 customers from QuickBooks
  • “Copy last week” in Timesheet adds projects multiple times
  • Unvoiced filter shows invoiced entries (and vice versa)
  • Invoice for archived clients allows other clients’ projects to be selected
  • Deleting time in a timesheet cell doesn’t actually delete the time

April 2021

What’s new

What’s fixed

  • When amount and user is disabled in Detailed report’s customize export, PDF still shows User in the column header
  • Various Calendar bug fixes
  • When creating time via Timesheet’s detail view, changing billable status isn’t remembered
  • Timesheet import via CSV doesn’t work when if start/end misses seconds and displays wrong message
  • Team managers can’t see Team Dashboard
  • Team managers can’t see their team members without time in the Weekly report
  • Team manager can’t filter report to get only their time
  • Screenshots and locations aren’t automatically deleted when timer is canceled
  • Admins can’t edit or delete rows in Timesheet for completed tasks or archived projects
  • When a user is removed from a workspace, their timer for the workspace is not discarded
  • Various visual fixes

March 2021

What’s new

What’s fixed

  • Amount in reports is barely visible
  • Can’t move time entry to another workspace if current workspace doesn’t have any projects
  • Timesheets rows for projects without time are lost when switching between weeks sometimes
  • Project picker returns partial matches
  • Some API endpoints cannot handle concurrency properly
  • Not possible to remove favorite status from last project
  • Missing loader when importing CSV file and
  • Different values in reports when filtering just by client and by client and all tasks
  • Editing archived project removes its archived client
  • Projects page won’t filter by user group
  • Team managers can’t see their team members in Dashboard Team
  • Copy last week in Timesheet doesn’t carry over task’s billability
  • Users receive “Screenshots Enabled” notification every time they go to the Activity page
  • GET tasks API always returns duration 0
  • Restored project gets archived again on its own
  • “Copy last week” and “Template” in Timesheet don’t apply task’s billable status
  • Minutes are not rounded up in invoices
  • Duplicating entry in a group doesn’t instantly reflect in the group’s duration

February 2021

What’s new

What’s fixed

  • Invited user can export reports on workspace
  • Dashboard Billable view has no bars
  • When adding users to a group, the sometimes show up twice
  • Can’t load detailed report when there is invoiced time with deleted client or project
  • Wrong project colors and uneven charts in Dashboard
  • Project status sometimes doesn’t get updated in real time
  • Missing thousands separators on invoice PDF
  • Unrestricted file upload type
  • Activity page doesn’t load if there’s a deleted user with a screenshot or a location
  • Missing client name in Dashboard and detailed approval
  • Team manager can see amount in detailed approval
  • Custom fields not visible in Calendar on hover
  • When task is over character limit but its project is not, project is not imported
  • Various small Calendar bugs

January 2021

What’s new

  • Mark invoice as void
  • Time rounding when invoicing time

What’s fixed

  • Various Calendar view bugs and improvements
  • Projects with non-standard characters don’t get imported properly
  • Improper access control in viewing custom fields
  • It’s possible to have more than one active subscription
  • Random order of time entries when imported into an invoice
  • Next and previous date arrows in report skip only by one day
  • Dashboard sometimes shows different results
  • Dashboard takes too much system resources
  • Entries on private projects where admin isn’t explicitly added doesn’t show up in autocomplete
  • Can’t create a new custom field when old value is stuck in database
  • Task amount doesn’t always show up

December 2020

What’s fixed

  • Not all the groups and users are showing in project’s Access dropdown
  • Can’t assign some users to tasks
  • Can’t see more than 50 project templates
  • Delay in listing users on Accounts tab
  • Wrong error message when importing time entries with incorrect date format
  • Can’t create reminders on new workspaces
  • Project creation via API requires fields other than name
  • Entries in the Timesheet are displayed a day back in some time zones
  • Can’t remove 0 as default value from custom field number type
  • Amount in project status and report don’t match sometimes
  • Incorrect project progress percent
  • Calendar view wrong when changing time zones
  • Calendar view doesn’t take into account “Week starts” settings
  • Calendar view puts a bunch of time entries into the same start slot
  • Null can be entered as a tag via “Create time entry” API request
  • When user is invited to workspace, “Resend invite” sends login link
  • When decreasing time in one timesheet cell that has two different descriptions, one of them is deleted

November 2020

What’s new

What’s fixed

  • Error when trying to generate a weekly report for last week (24-30 Oct)
  • Duplicated tags in Summary report
  • Hourly rate not removed when workspace is deleted
  • Admins appear as a group in Team filer
  • Error on login form and redirect to localhost
  • Issues with time zones and other time settings in shared reports
  • Slow load on project status tab for some projects
  • Start timer grayed out
  • Issue when clicking on custom field for “select” type
  • Projects and users are not displayed when hovering over dropdown in the manager options
  • Team page doesn’t load for some users
  • Project manager sees approval page in sidebar (but can’t access it)
  • For relative range, PDF takes report’s creation date
  • Cost rate isn’t calculated for some non-billable entries

October 2020

What’s new

What’s fixed

  • When removing project from an entry, its task remains in the database
  • Sometimes reports with custom fields are not loading properly
  • Dashboard is slow on workspaces with a lot of data
  • Sometimes projects are missing in the project picker list that has a large number of projects
  • Custom fields without values on approved time entries can be edited
  • Admin can’t delete “not joined” users
  • Sometimes a user can’t create a project from a template
  • Admin can remove another admin’s role
  • It was possible to send a workspace request containing null value
  • Regular user and Project manager get 403 error when they change workspace when Approval is enabled

September 2020

What’s new

What’s fixed

  • Can’t delete a client
  • Autojoin with OAuth and SAML doesn’t work properly
  • Possible to add a default option that doesn’t exist to a custom field
  • User value is null in Zapier
  • When user changes email, the old invite remains
  • Users don’t receive a confirmation email when their timesheets are approved
  • User added via a group cannot create a task on the project
  • Custom field switch type needs a refresh to show true value in the running timer
  • Pagination doesn’t work on Detailed shared reports
  • Clicking on Date group in the Summary report’s table doesn’t lead you to Detailed report for that date
  • Can’t see a project in Timesheet when one task has some time
  • Sometimes an extra entry is included in the Detailed report page-2 via API
  • Can’t add pending users to a group
  • Can’t update payment information when 2FA is enabled

August 2020

What’s new

  • Dark theme (web)
  • See users without time
  • Filter tasks, clients, tags on respective pages
  • Resizable tag picker
  • Projects page improvements
    • “Expand all” options on Projects page (mobile version)
    • Added “Without task” on project status
    • Completed tasks are visually marked on project status page
    • Added “Overage” on project status
    • Project name appears in browsers tab’s title

What’s fixed

  • Timesheet template tasks not being saved
  • Project cost rate is reset when project estimate is changed
  • Regular users see dollar icon on Time tracker even if the workspace currency is different
  • Sometimes “No client” in the project picker appears down the list
  • Lazy loading
  • Project templates list all projects
  • Project managers can’t see status overview for any project
  • Some entries without description are not grouped together
  • Missing filter button on Projects page on smaller resolutions
  • Color picker opens on Enter when saving manual estimation
  • API pagination on Detailed report doesn’t work
  • Alerts for task-based estimates don’t come out right
  • Sorting order in project picker is not good in some cases
  • Can’t create more than 10 webhooks on a workspace
  • It’s possible to approve time entry in progress
  • Users from groups who have access to private shared report can’t open it
  • Some users can’t seethe  workspace they are a part off
  • Problem when submitting for approval in time zones affected by daylight saving time
  • In Approval details, some billable entries are shown as non-billable
  • Can’t expand projects in timesheet
  • On approval withdraw, “Review timesheet” link in emails doesn’t work
  • When changing time zone through the “time zone mismatch” notifications, pending approval requests are not withdrawn
  • Cost rate in Approval details are calculated only if a project is billable
  • Admin cannot see some user added to a project
  • API doesn’t send content-type for PDF, CSV, and Excel reports
  • Can’t select all users when bulk editing users to projects
  • Sorting projects in project picker is not good in some cases
  • When adding users to a project, all users are listed instead of just active ones
  • When adding users to a project, changing filter resets the selected users
  • Tooltip doesn’t display full project name on hover
  • Deleted project doesn’t immediately disappear from the list
  • Missing active/archived selector in client filter on Projects page
  • Missing active filter indicator on Projects page
  • Status page doesn’t show estimated tasks when there’s a new hourly rate (needs refresh)
  • Missing “Restore” in project bulk edit
  • Missing copy when there are no more members to add to a project

July 2020

What’s new

  • Time approval
  • Prepay user seats for Enteprise plan
  • Complete API documentation
  • Sort Team page by group
  • Week total on Time tracker
  • Active filters on Project page are remembered
  • Both members and groups are shown in project access tab immediately
  • Dropdowns on Reports are open on hover

What’s fixed

  • When Time tracker is left open overnight, date says “Today” even though it will add time to yesterday
  • Admin cannot see a user added to a project
  • Deleted client appears in project picker when collapse is turned on
  • Sidebar glitch on iPhone and other visual issues
  • Cost rate on project isn’t shown even though it’s saved and applied
  • If Team page is hidden, regular users and managers can’t see their name in Team filters in reports and can’t click in table on user name to filter the report by the user
  • Regular users can’t access get their time entries using /time-entries endpoint in API
  • Missing “content-type” in Reports API’s header
  • Changing duration in Timesheet doesn’t update end time incrementally, as according to profile settings
  • Can’t create webhooks on subdomain
  • Sort on Dashboard is not case-insensitive
  • Owner can remove their role from Group page
  • It’s possible to create two projects with the same name and the same client via bulk edit
  • Missing toast message when activating/deactivating users
  • Missing total time in Weekly report PDF
  • Tag filter is not working properly in some cases
  • “Select all” in task filter selects only first 50 tasks
  • “Copy invite link” on subdomains is not right
  • High CPU usage on log in page
  • Webhooks don’t return user’s name
  • Selected tag doesn’t show up immediately
  • Sometimes a user is both active and pending at the same time on subdomain workspace
  • “Fix” link on Timesheet doesn’t apply proper filters in Detailed report

June 2020

What’s new

  • Improved JIRA integration
  • Improved Summary and Weekly report
    • Three levels of grouping
    • Works on smaller screens
    • Analyze cost and profit
    • Hide billable amount from exports
    • Remembers date range
    • Sort data (name, duration, amount)
    • PDF shows percents for pie charts
    • Active filters are transferred between reports
    • Click on an item in Summary table to see Detailed report for that item
    • New filters
  • Share reports
    • Lock dates (prevent changing dates)
    • Only you can see links you create
    • Link shows all filtered data as you can see it
    • Click on report to open it
    • See applied filters in “Filter info”
    • Report name shows up when you open link and in PDF export
    • Settings are carried over (grouping, amount, rounding, sort)
  • Webhooks and Reports API
  • Faster app loading and report generation
  • Encryption at rest for all accounts (improved security)

What’s fixed

  • “Add tag” button is missing from Detailed report
  • Summary Excel/CSV only exports two decimals
  • Detailed Excel/CSV shows “Without X” instead of empty row
  • Workspaces from subdomain don’t show up in the workspace picker on cloud
  • Various Zapier issues
  • Too strict URL validation for webhooks
  • Bulk editing custom fields sometimes shows error
  • Reminders don’t work when edited
  • Task filter is no longer case insensitive
  • Managers can’t see Team filter in reports
  • Pin to top on Team Dashboard gets reset after logout
  • Entry longer than 24h loses 24h when time is edited in Detailed report

May 2020

What’s new

  • API v1 returns custom fields on time entries

What’s fixed

  • Reports don’t work if time is added via a group whose member has not yet joined
  • Deleting user groups is slow
  • Admins get a wrong email address of a user who fails to join their workspace on a subdomain
  • “Select all” in client filter doesn’t always work

April 2020

What’s new

  • Historic hourly rates
  • Labor cost and profit
  • Who can create and update tasks: Admins/Everyone
  • New endpoints and params in API (v1)
  • Improved Detailed Report
    • Works on all screen sizes
    • More room for description and tags
    • Hide amount and export without hourly rates
    • Add time for multiple users in one action
    • Select all time entries, across pages
    • Bulk edit custom fields on time entries
    • See each time entry’s amount plus their hourly rate on hover
    • Right-to-left text support (Arab, Hebrew, Persian)
    • See 50/100/200 time entries at once
    • Page stays in place when editing
    • Improved project selector
  • Improved filters (only for Detailed report, Summary report coming later)
    • Advanced tag filtering (contains, does not contain, contains exactly)
    • Filter by custom fields
    • Choose which filters to see
    • Limited access to what regular users can see in filters
    • All time entries are displayed (regardless of archive status)
    • Filter clients, projects, tasks, tags, and users by status
    • Filter a list and select all that matches the criteria
    • Filter by “Without description”
    • Resize filter list
    • Filters in URL so you can bookmark reports
    • See selected filters on hover
    • Categorized project and task list
    • Selecting a client narrows down the project filter
    • “Past two weeks” date range option

What’s fixed

  • Changing time in timesheet doesn’t change total time and project status
  • Daylight saving time in some time zones move entries one day back
  • Timesheet entries are changing after page refresh
  • Incorrect calculation of task-based estimates
  • Links in emails don’t lead to subdomains
  • Hourly rates on project templates are multiplied by 100
  • It’s possible to save a reminder without selecting at least one day
  • Link to project status in alerts for task-based estimates isn’t correct
  • Group by date in Summary report doesn’t handle well different time zones
  • Full name isn’t visible in Accounts tab

March 2020

What’s new

  • Add tags, description, start/end, and custom fields via Timesheet
  • Hide Time tracker from sidebar
  • Description and tags can be required fields always (even while Timesheet is ON)
  • Multiline description field in Timesheet
  • Bulk edit custom field data
  • New Android app supports custom domains, self-hosted users, and single sign-on login
  • Timeline in Auto tracker (Mac)

What’s fixed

  • Projects without time aren’t sorted alphabetically on Timesheet
  • Time entries don’t pick up projects’ billability status on Timesheet
  • Stable API (v1) doesn’t return user memberships
  • Wrong calculation in some saved reports
  • Cannot remove task assignee
  • Summary report breakdown by category does not show calculation for billable hours
  • Inactive/pending users receive project alerts
  • Automatic lock isn’t working on some workspaces
  • Admins and users see different currency symbols
  • Can’t remove task assignees when project visibility is changed
  • Deleting tasks on page 2 makes completed tasks show up
  • Users lose memberships on archived projects
  • Editing days on reminders closes the dropdown
  • Newsletter checkbox looks unchecked even if you decided to subscribe

February 2020

What’s new

What’s fixed

  • Various minor lock and automatic lock issue
  • Updating workspace settings is slow when it has a lot of users
  • Modals close by accident on mouse up
  • Project hourly rate can’t be set to 8.69
  • Can’t edit day checkboxes in Reminders

January 2020

What’s new

What’s fixed

  • Favorites are always collapsed in compact project picker
  • Updating workspace settings is very slow when some user has a lot of memberships
  • Issues with project alerts
  • Subscription isn’t cancelled when a workspace that has inactive members gets deleted
  • Time entries without memberships are not returned when generating reports
  • Manually changing date range in reports doesn’t work without pressing Enter
  • “Workspace settings have been updated” toast is displayed on other pages
  • Hourly rate set for an invited user resets to zero after accepting invite
  • Invited users with a name are not sorted properly
  • Company logo in PDF too small
  • Print view of Timesheet doesn’t show specific dates and user name
  • Tags are not sorted alphabetically on Time tracker
  • In Timer mode, a border appears when hovering over duration, even though it’s not editable
  • Some tooltips and popups don’t look good on smaller screens
  • When changing date of time entries via bulk edit, duration is changed to zero
  • Excel export of Detailed report doesn’t follow selected sorting logic
  • Missing “expand all” option on mobile resolutions for Projects and Team pages
  • Selecting the only available user group triggers the select all option
  • Click on setting hourly rate doesn’t auto-focus to input

December 2019

What’s new

  • Archive tags and clients
  • Projects and Team pages work on mobile
  • Project note
  • Assign multiple members to tasks
  • Workspace settings: “New projects are by default: Public/Private”
  • Sort projects by status
  • Copy and send invite link to users manually
  • Add tags and members to projects in bulk without overwriting the existing ones
  • Removed “Created with Clockify” in branded PDF reports
  • Print-friendly timesheet, project list, and project status (can be saved as PDF)
  • Auto-start timer (Mac)

What’s fixed

  • Can’t access more than 10 invoices
  • Members added to projects via groups don’t receive project overage alerts
  • When connection is slow, users can delete a workspace several times
  • Wrong year for December 30/31 when exporting Detailed report
  • Percentage not correct on task based estimates
  • Profile settings/logout are not visible when there are a lot of workspaces
  • Missing validation on some inputs
  • Inactive users receive reminders
  • Possible to move entries between workspaces even if the dates are locked
  • There shouldn’t be change password option if a user don’t have password
  • Request for SAML logout isn’t sent
  • Timer isn’t always shown accurately in the sidebar
  • Sometimes users delete active projects and members by accident
  • When getting all users via API, paging doesn’t work
  • Entries can be moved to another workspace even though the dates are locked
  • Error when an inactive users is added with the same e-mail address
  • Reset password doesn’t work when a user doesn’t have a default workspace
  • Project collapse list doesn’t work when a client is assigned via new project modal
  • API doesn’t return full list of project tasks

November 2019

What’s new

  • New workspace settings, tags, and clients pages
  • Timer widget (iOS)
  • Long press options (iOS)

What’s fixed

  • Trouble with some time zones due to updated daylight saving laws in some countries
  • Redundant time zone options
  • In entry list, the whole date or duration is always selected
  • When network is slow, multiple requests can be sent on upgrade page which causes problems
  • Sometimes, owner’s entries are locked too
  • When a new user is invited, their name is prefilled on signup page (leading to confusing names)

October 2019

What’s new

What’s fixed

  • Invitation link is displayed as expired (even though it’s valid)
  • Invitation link sometimes creates two workspaces
  • Issue with adding entries in Asia/Famagusta time zone
  • Reports show one more day due to daylight savings switch
  • In some time zones, Timesheet saves an entry under incorrect date
  • Can’t create projects, clients, and tags as regular user via API, even though it’s allowed

September 2019

What’s new

  • Reassign entry to another user in Detailed report (part of “Add time for others” feature)
  • Timesheet no longer splits a time entry if it’s the only one
  • Auto-update (Mac)

What’s fixed

  • Excel export of the Detailed report combines project/client/description into one column, email and billability columns are missing
  • Template lists where all items are named “No template”
  • Group by date in Summary report doesn’t work in some time zones
  • Projects are not sorted in Timesheet when using Copy last week
  • CSV export shows total time in columns of Weekly report
  • Exporting takes too long when there’s a large amount of data
  • Some entries end up with invalid date
  • Admins don’t get all the tasks via API
  • Automatic lock sometimes locks more entries on Timesheet than it should
  • When you select a task on some project, you can’t re-select the project itself after that
  • Entries on Timeshet for a project made from a template are not marked as billable
  • When subgrouped by date in Summary report, entries are not ordered form first to last in exports

August 2019

What’s new

  • Improved CSV and Excel export
  • Time tracker works completely without using a mouse
  • Project alerts now work for public projects and task-based estimates
  • Dark mode (Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS, Android, Chrome, Firefox)
  • Quicker workspace switching (Windows, Linux, Android, Chrome, Firefox)
  • Create projects, clients, and tags (Windows, Linux, Android, Chrome, Firefox)
  • Resize window (Windows, Mac)
  • Auto-update (Windows)
  • Time grouping (Mac, iOS)
  • Force offline mode (iOS)

What’s fixed

  • Line breaks in description mess up CSV export
  • Different start and end date of time entries from the same day in export
  • Project and client name is missing in task alerts
  • Favorite projects sometimes end up at the bottom of the list
  • Time rounding causes problem on reports when subscription expires
  • Projects missing in non-collapsed project picker
  • Input field for reminders, automatic lock, and task estimates accepts negative values
  • Detailed report shows 50 time entries even on pages that should have less entries
  • Chart in PDF export sometimes overlaps the time table
  • Issues with having spaces in password
  • Project managers and regular users can’t see tasks that are mark as done
  • Project managers can see hourly rates if it’s set to admin only
  • Project managers can’t see or edit their project’s manual estimate or switch between manual and task-based estimate
  • Hourly rate field on project is disabled when project is marked as non-billable
  • Group/subgroup by date in Summary report isn’t good in some time zones
  • Team Dashboard doesn’t retain sorting preference when changing date range
  • API: when getting users of workspace, the response gets all their memberships
  • Workspace list page is not responsive
  • Issue with task field in Zapier integration
  • Zapier integration only sends project and tags IDs of a time entry instead of their names
  • One trigger in Zapier integration for both time created and timer started (now they’re separate)
  • Duplicated time entries omit seconds when using hh:mm duration format
  • Project picker shows -1 project under No client when one project is selected
  • Issue when using a same account on two different workspaces and computers
  • When the deleting account, can’t type a reason in text area
  • Pagination dropdown isn’t closed after selecting some value
  • Numbers in Summary report PDF export are not right-aligned
  • Wrong message when changing password but the old entered pass isn’t correct

July 2019

What’s new

  • Pomodoro timer (Chrome/Firefox extensions)
  • Annual payment (pay annually and get 2 months free)
  • Resizable project picker
  • Remember show/hide sidebar
  • Change invoice recipient email
  • Auto-generated profile pictures based on initials
  • Entity hydration (get names of project, task, and tags instead of IDs via API)
  • Improved Timesheet
    • Works on mobile devices
    • Shows total by project/task
    • Improved project selector
    • Changing time through Timesheet preserves existing data (description and tag)
    • Start and end times for new entries are auto-incremented (you can define when your days starts in a new “Day start” setting in your Profile settings)

What’s fixed

  • Project picker won’t close after you close project creation modal
  • Missing email validation when inviting new members
  • Date picker sometimes won’t show on saved report
  • Admin sees only public projects and not all projects (API v1)
  • Profile settings page is not optimized for mobile devices
  • Modal in Dashboard isn’t displayed properly when printing
  • Notifications aren’t open automatically on page load
  • PDF doesn’t display currency in the right format
  • Link for adding time in reminder email doesn’t set Time tracker mode to manual
  • When manually setting date range in reports, one extra day is sometimes included
  • Autofill doesn’t appear in description field in the Time tracker
  • Onboarding tooltips sometimes won’t go away
  • On slow connection it’s possible to click twice on “Create project” and “Start timer”
  • When task is created on the Time tracker page, the modal won’t close
  • When task is required, creating a project automatically selects it when it shouldn’t
  • Canceling timer opens a popup across the whole page
  • Command line tools don’t display CSV exports correctly
  • Tags are not shown in PDF export of Detailed report
  • Rounding to nearest number doesn’t take seconds into account
  • Incorrect date formatting in PDF export when a report is grouped by date
  • When grouped by project/entry, report shows client name instead of description
  • Sometimes minus values appear on the Y axis on the PDF bar chart
  • Exporting PDF of Detailed report doesn’t work if an entry in the report was edited before that
  • Issue on Detailed report PDF when audit time filter is ON

June 2019

What’s new

What’s fixed

  • Entries in Detailed report can’t be changed when filter is active or custom data range is selected
  • Optimized performance (report loading, time update, etc.)
  • Sidebar is not responsive
  • Spaces in names (client, tag, projects…) are not trimmed
  • Turning on Rounding resets selected filters
  • Confusion when task filter is ON (don’t know why projects aren’t displayed)
  • Clearing entered filter from the project picker doesn’t reset the filter
  • Newly created project from a template sometimes duplicates team members
  • Browser autofill sometimes updates fields of all time entries on a page
  • Page paginator is displayed even if there are no multiple pages
  • White spaces are not trimmed when creating a workspaces, clients, tags, tasks, projects, and user groups
  • Can’t update invoice info sometimes
  • User list is displayed multiple times in Team filter on reports
  • Project picker on Detailed report not showing favorite projects
  • When changing password, “Collapse project” field is affected
  • When clicking on start or end time without entering a new value, seconds are removed
  • Applied hourly rate on Summary report when subgrouped by anything but time entry is not displayed correctly
  • Wrong error message while editing clients/tags/user group name
  • Bug with pagination and bulk edit on projects page

May 2019

What’s new

  • Daily breakdown: Date is a new group/subgroup option in Summary report
  • Increment date and time using Up and Down keys on your keyboard
  • Improved project/task selector added to Timesheet
  • Browser extension open sourced so others can add/fix/improve integrations

What’s fixed

  • Project picker sometimes doesn’t display projects/tasks
  • When there’s no project selected, project picker still offers “No project”
  • Unclear copy when filtering primarily by task
  • When adding users, captcha appears after entering emails
  • Missing confirmation dialogues when deleting some stuff
  • Time grouped by date isn’t sorted correctly in PDF export
  • Summary report and PDF aren’t consistent when grouped by User/Task
  • Reset password link should be expired after 2 hours
  • When task is a required field, you can’t see projects that don’t have tasks
  • When you open a link but you’re not logged in, after logging in you’re not redirected to the original page
  • Sometimes you can’t see who is Project manager when you open Access tab on a project
  • Admin can’t change hourly rate for users who have not joined yet
  • Setting workspace hourly rate sets the same rate to users who don’t have an hourly rate
  • In progress entries are not shown on Dashboard
  • Can’t download PDF on Safari
  • Project manager can change duration for others in Detailed report (but change is not saved, which is ok)
  • Adding user group to a project requires refresh to display the change
  • Summary report groups projects with the same name even if they have different clients
  • Summary report groups tasks with the same name even if they are on different projects
  • Entries admins add for others are not locked
  • Editing start and end time in Detailed report doesn’t work like on Time tracker page
  • Admin can’t modify user groups owners created
  • Wrong time gets added in manual mode if you click on ADD immediately after typing end time
  • Play button on locked entries is missing
  • When you go to some other workspace’s settings, your active workspace is not changed
  • Reset password link expires too soon
  • Doesn’t show that you’ve removed admin role from someone until refreshing the page
  • Can’t change project members’ hourly rates for projects made from templates
  • In manual time entry mode, if you enter start or end time and click “ADD” without moving the focus away from the time field first, the row gets added with wrong time
  • When you load more projects in Dashboard, new projects are sorted incorrectly
  • Users can’t access a project if they’re added via a user group
  • Clicking on sidebar doesn’t close the notification popup
  • Time zone mismatch notification for some time zones doesn’t work properly
  • Time zone label in Personal Settings is not accurate for some time zones
  • When bulk editing projects, “Select client” becomes the name of the client
  • When you signup but already have an account with that email, a new workspace with the same name is created
  • Custom value of project grouping label isn’t reflected in Bulk Edit
  • There’s no indicator to wait while Clockify is exporting a report

April 2019

What’s new

  • Brand new PDF exports (download samples)
  • Brand new Time Tracker
    • Bulk edit in time tracker
    • Group same time entries
    • Responsive design (works on all screen sizes)
    • Create projects and tags from time tracker
    • Compact project list
    • Duplicate creates an identical entry
    • Move entries to a different workspace
    • Description field max length raised to 3,000 chars
    • Add time by duration in manual mode
    • Show 50/100/200 entries per page
    • Keyboard shortcuts (n, c, s, m)
    • Improved controls and performance
    • “Filter primarily by: Task” can now also search by client (task @client)
    • Create task and project from project picker by typing “task@project”
  • Who can create tags: Admins/Everyone
  • Integrate Clockify with 1,400+ apps via Zapier
  • Improved Dashboard (billability breakdownby project, tooltips on charts)
  • Stable API v1
  • Improved integrations via extension
    • Auto-select project based on project in Trello/Asana/JIRA
    • Custom domain for self-hosted tools
    • Turn off where you don’t want to see the button

What’s fixed

  • Space not working on some keyboards
  • User groups don’t appear in reports’ team filter
  • Columns in CSV export of Detailed report are shifted if some value has a comma
  • Inconsistent rounding between project status and reports
  • Results in the project picker reloads twice after searching and scrolling
  • When there are braces “()” in project search, search doesn’t work
  • “Show only active tasks” is set to OFF when you open a project
  • Hourly rate does not display well in CSV export of Summary report
  • Password max length (50 chars) is enforced only on log-in page
  • Infinity% in reports tooltip
  • Closing drop-down menu in Summary report doesn’t work on click
  • Project status not showing time spent on tasks

March 2019

What’s new

  • Brand new Dashboard
    • Choose between project and billability chart in Dashboard
    • See all running timers in workspace
    • See when was someone last active
  • See your preferred currency symbol in charts
  • Automatic update of lock dates

What’s fixed

  • Continue timer button doesn’t pick up project/task field if a user is added on that project via user group
  • Can’t scroll down user groups list when saving a report
  • When you select an older date in manual mode and add time, the date reverts back to today but the calendar says it’s the same the same old date
  • Yearly reports don’t work right in some time zones
  • In templates, completed tasks are not copied

February 2019

What’s new

  • Active workspace is now displayed in sidebar under the user’s name
  • Random project colors are now assigned when you create a new project
  • On Projects page, Team column displays Anyone if a project is public
  • Notification improvements (auto-open, open/close on click, clear all, design, removed discarded notifications, new notification when you’re deleted from workspace, invite notifications always appears on top)
  • Archived projects now appear crossed out on Projects page
  • You can now open projects in a new tab from the Projects page (either via right-click menu or on middle click)
  • Print button automatically downloads print-ready PDF
  • Success message when updating billable/non-billable time

What’s fixed

  • Detailed report sends you to 1st page on edit and sorts the entry as soon as it gets a new value (so you lose track of the thing you’re editing)
  • Long user name in sidebar isn’t shortened
  • Entering time using space is not working (e.g. 4 am)
  • Project picker doesn’t always properly sort by client name
  • Total hours missing from saved reports
  • Project page throws a lot of “Project updated” message when changing custom color
  • When data is deleted form some project, Timesheet saves that project’s name
  • Task’s row remains in Timesheet when you delete the task
  • A project’s tracked time is different on the Projects page and on the project’s Status
  • When you’re on Workspaces page and you create a new workspace, you’re not switched to the newly create workspace
  • When deleting a “net joined yet” user,  message doesn’t display user’s email
  • Project status’ billable/non-billable chart has random colors
  • When you create new time entries for others, entries don’t appear on top
  • Time entries assigned to wrong client in the Detailed report if the project has the same name
  • Project status is not updated after you delete time
  • When changing password, there is no message that says that the old password is required
  • Sometimes the start time resets to 9am
  • Edit tag pop-up opens up for locked time entry even if you can’t edit the entry
  • Detailed report doesn’t sort well by duration when seconds are turned off
  • Selecting a custom date makes the timesheet move entries by one day
  • Label for Project manager sometimes doesn’t appear
  • Entered hourly rate doesn’t recognize comma as a decimal separator (only point)
  • Reminder with lots of users doesn’t display properly
  • Exported report doesn’t reflect sorting
  • Invalid date on web in manual mode when the timer starts running in apps/extensions
  • Project manager permission is not removed when a user is removed from the project
  • When you enter hourly rate or manual estimation, success message is missing
  • Filters on Projects page are removed when you delete/archive a project
  • When editing tasks on projects, “Show only active tasks” switch reverts to ON
  • Can’t see completed tasks on Safari & Edge
  • “Without project” color in reports is always random
  • Project colors in pie charts are randomized on hover

January 2019

What’s new

What’s fixed

  • Optimized performance and resource usage when timer is running
  • When there’s only row in Timesheet and it’s empty, when the row is deleted, all entries without project that week get deleted too
  • When custom date is selected in Timesheet, time entries made in next week delete entries for the project this week
  • Bulk edit of project estimation produces error
  • “Fix entries without project” link on Timesheet doesn’t apply filter
  • Detailed report PDF doesn’t follow User Settings
  • Clockify isn’t automatically refreshed when you accept a workspace invite
  • Day of the week is not shown in Weekly report
  • When you delete time, total in Timesheet doesn’t change until refresh
  • Invited users disappear from the team page until they accept the invite
  • Non-admins can’t define templates
  • When transferring ownership, the former owner doesn’t get admin role and the new owner doesn’t get the Owner label
  • Editing sorted entries in Detailed report brakes selected sorting
  • Saved Detailed report is missing duration column
  • Workspace invitation link leads to log-in page
  • Entries in Detailed report are sorted by date of creation (not start time)
  • Too many decimals in Project status
  • Can’t apply template in Timesheet when a first row is deleted
  • Missing entries in PDF export of Detailed report
  • User who is part of a user group can’t use template in Timesheet
  • When Team Dashboard is disabled for regular users, users still get Team Dashboard if it was their default view
  • Greek characters are not shown well in PDF export
  • Excel report contains extra row with column numbers
  • “Stay logged in” is not checked after log out
  • “Transfer owner role” option exists for inactive users

December 2018

What’s new

  • Alerts
  • Entries for the same activity are grouped in the Summary report
  • Group Summary report by User Group
  • Transfer workspace ownership

What’s fixed

  • User that was deleted from their only workspace doesn’t get a new workspace
  • Editing duration bugs in Detailed report
  • Public branded reports can’t be downloaded as PDF if you’re not logged in
  • “Add time for team” appears when you’re a regular user
  • No indicator that billable filter is applied
  • Hourly rate input field doesn’t support comma as a decimal separator (only dot)
  • Description can be deleted even if it’s a required field
  • Time zone issues
  • Regular users can’t use templates
  • Detailed report graph isn’t updated when you add time for others
  • Project status doesn’t display properly when task-based estimate is selected
  • Workspace gets deleted even if there are other people in it
  • Sometimes can’t see task assignee dropdown
  • When entering task estimates, tasks are rearranged
  • User is not automatically switched to the new workspace when they accept an invite
  • Automatically refresh page when user accepts invite
  • When you switch Me/Team Dashboard, selection isn’t remembered when you return
  • Entries can be locked for future dates (they shouldn’t)
  • Some users can’t see all projects they’ve been assigned to
  • Admin can’t modify locked timesheets for teammates
  • Can’t accept invite on second workspace when user doesn’t have an account

November 2018

What’s new

What’s fixed

  • All items with the same project name are expanded in the Summary report
  • Admin can set Owner as inactive
  • Column for time entry’s description is too short in the Detailed report
  • Team dropdown in a project sometimes doesn’t show user list
  • When owner leaves, regular users remain in empty workspace
  • Error when entering start/end time with a dot
  • Editing time on the first try doesn’t do anything
  • CSV export contains hourly rates
  • Shifting by day using <> in Dashboard and Reports doesn’t work
  • Whole date doesn’t show up in the PDF export, plus it doesn’t follow time format from User Settings
  • Saved reports: user group filter doesn’t work
  • Saved reports: export PDF in a saved report doesn’t work
  • Saved reports: anyone with a link can see hourly rate in exported csv and xlsx
  • Each new user group is automatically assigned to the owner
  • Can’t add users whose email domain is too short (e.g. @qq.com, @t.co)
  • Reminder emails are sent even when the paid subscription ends
  • Time entries in Timesheet shift by a day when selecting a custom date range

October 2018

What’s new

  • Windows and Linux desktop apps
  • Manual time entry mode and offline support for Android/Windows/Linux app
  • Better start/end timer sync between all the apps
  • You can now search by client name in project dropdown filter (not possible if smart filter is turned on)
  • Project’s client is now shown in the Timesheet

What’s fixed

  • Entries for a completed task disappear from the Timesheet
  • Filtering by client on the Projects page doesn’t work
  • Weekly report doesn’t list subgrouped properties properly
  • Projects with the same names are combined in reports and timesheet
  • When we add a new project in timer mode, and switch to the manual mode, the project disappears
  • When we edit the time entry and use smart project filter, and after that use tag, the project disappears
  • Every time we click on some project, “Project updated” message appears
  • Create a new project from timer page doesn’t work well if we already have some time entry
  • A non-admin user can see time entries of another user if they choose to see archived projects in a report
  • Other users see task which are assigned to someone else on public projects
  • Can’t see who is workspace owner
  • If project favorite is enabled, search bar shows all projects as favourite
  • If Tag is a required field, “no tag” is allowed for editing old time entries
  • Hourly rate for time entries without a project doesn’t show in Summary report
  • Editing project in timesheet adds a new row
  • Commas aren’t escaped in task names when exporting reports in CSV
  • Play button doesn’t copy the project if you’re not part of the team
  • “Without client” filter on Projects page doesn’t work when changed
  • Dashboard chart does not match project colors
  • Favorite projects don’t show client names
  • Favorite projects don’t work well with project filter
  • When you invite to workspace someone who already has an account, they don’t show up on the Team page until they accept the invite
  • When a user is added to workspace, they are not shown until you refresh the page
  • When a user is invited, they get a confusing page which only says Password
  • Copy last week in Timesheet doesn’t work properly

September 2018

What’s fixed:

  • Project/Task filter is too finicky
  • Weekly report email doesn’t follow “Week start” day defined in User Settings
  • When adding a tag in the Detailed report, the tag popup freezes
  • If a user has one workspace, every time they login or go to workspaces page it throws toast for default workspace change
  • When we enter time in a timesheet for e.g. 4th and 5th September and in calendar chose those days, it will move hours for the next day. When we refresh the page it will be good again.
  • Zero hours is showing in timesheet page (when a time entry with zero hours is added on Time tracker page)
  • If we check Public on a project, then add an assignee to a task, and then check out the public, assign for that task will be empty
  • When adding a time entry with a required field, the description is gone and tag can’t be added anymore
  • Need to reload the page to see workspace invite notification
  • Add Members in a project’s page doesn’t work properly
  • Time entry can have a task which doesn’t belong to a specific project via API
  • When the timer is running,  “Give manager rights” isn’t clickable in the project team page
  • Favorite projects aren’t affected by the filter
  • Estimate progress on a project are not shown until you have tracked some time
  • Reminder coming for the day which isn’t checked in the days list
  • Duplicated projects in the report filter when unchecking client filters

August 2018

What’s new:

What’s fixed:

  • Inactive/deleted user can’t track time because they have no other workspace
  • The dashboard shows other users’ entries
  • “Stay logged in” isn’t checked by default when using Google login
  • End timer button is the same color as for starting the timer
  • Targets block shows up in User Settings even when there are no targets
  • Deleting locked entries in Timesheet causes some issues
  • The whole week is locked in Timesheet if even a one day in the week is locked
  • Entering a future date for the running timer results in bad calculation of duration
  • No Project doesn’t show on some workspaces
  • The project field remains a required field when Timesheet is disabled
  • Invitation link doesn’t work properly if an account already exists
  • The total time for that day is not entered after the timer stops (need to refresh the page)
  • CSV export of a report is missing a column with time in decimal format
  • Updating time entry in the Detailed report doesn’t work when “Do not allow saving time without project” is turned on
  • In timesheet, you can add the same project more than once
  • Adding project/task after adding durations on timesheet page is disabled
  • When the timer is running, date picker doesn’t work
  • Time from archived projects disappears from the Time tracker page
  • When you add a time entry with a tag, the tag will stay in place for the next time entry
  • Error message appears in the console after click on the “X” for the running timer
  • Time entry end button doesn’t work properly in some cases
  • When you write a description for a time entry and then click out of it, a new notification pops up in green “Successfully updated time entry. If you have clicked another time entry and are typing its description, the notification pops up and stops you from typing
  • “#access_token” in tab title

July 2018

What’s new:

  • Clockify Time Tracker extension for Chrome
  • Chrome extension update: track from selected text, start/stop keyboard shortcut (ctrl+shift+x)
  • Integrations with 100+ apps
  • Change the default “Client” project grouping label
  • You can now remove seconds from interface (Workspace Settings -> Track time down to the second: Disable)
  • Added client name next to project/task on the Timer Tracker page
  • Added YYYY-MM-DD date format in User Settings

What’s fixed:

  • Error while creating a new saved report
  • In report’s filter drop-down, long words are out of line
  • Pixelized bar charts in report’s PDF export
  • Client name isn’t included in a report’s PDF export
  • Projects client dropdown in report in projects doesn’t contain clients
  • If you add multiple entries, their date is changed back by one day
  • Scrollbar is difficult to work with (too thin)
  • Long decimal values when viewing earnings in the Summary report
  • Entered data for a time entry sometimes disappears
  • Clockify slows down if you have more than 50 time entries on the Time tracker page
  • When changing date of some time entry in the Detailed report, chart doesn’t immediately reflect the change
  • Duplicating a time entry, while the timer is on, stops the timer.
  • When adding a project after an entry is made, the project’s billability status isn’t applied
  • Saved report bugs (can’t save the Summary report, visual bugs when choosing a user group)
  • Timesheet template doesn’t work any more
  • Reports PDF displays “Without Client” next to client name
  • Client label field accepts empty input
  • Long decimals of earning in report PDF export
  • Non-billable filter on report page doesn’t work
  • PDF report shows only the time for billable hours but not the earnings
  • When changing start time while the timer is running, it calculates the correct amount of time when ending it, but does not recalculate while running
  • When we duplicate some time entry, the top time entry is changed to that one also
  • In the Detailed report, 3-dots menu is covered and unusable

June 2018

What’s new:

  • API docs and API key in User Settings
  • Improved project status (project and task progress bar, red color when tracked is greater than estimated)
  • Projects that are past estimate are red
  • Timesheet view compact option
  • More apparent when something is editable on Time tracker page
  • :30 becomes 30 minutes

What’s fixed:

  • When changing the start time of the running timer, it’s not reflected in the duration (only after stopping the timer)
  • Entering 2.0 in timesheet give 2 minutes (instead of 2h)
  • Non-standard characters from non-English languages aren’t displayed in PDF export
  • Entries sometimes disappear from the timesheet (but are shown in the time tracker)
  • Clockify doesn’t recognize space character when typing 1:00 AM in star/end time
  • Start and end times disappear in the time tracker
  • Project disappears temporarily when you start the timer
  • Reports page sometimes doesn’t load
  • Various Timesheet view bugs
  • Sorting projects by estimate sorts them only using the first number instead of total
  • Project name is shortened even when there’s enough of empty space
  • Saved report (Public) doesn’t work if you’re not logged in
  • Admin label shows twice for some users
  • Can’t enter hourly rate for newly added project team members
  • When adding time by duration in timer mode, button remains “Start” instead of “Add”
  • When printing a weekly report, you get an incorrect display for portrait and landscape layout
  • Clicking on time while the timer is running shows 00:00:00
  • On Time tracker page, long descriptions in time entries overlap project
  • Left side menu is not responsive
  • When logo upload fails, there’s no message why
  • “Without tag” filter doesn’t work
  • Can’t scroll project status on smaller screens
  • $ sign covers date on bar chart
  • Changing user status sometimes results in an incorrect list of workspaces
  • Project/task selections in the Timesheet don’t survive into the next session (unless time has been entered)
  • When adding tags after selecting a project in the time tracker, tags disappear
  • Entering 2.0 doesn’t result in 2:00:00

May 2018

What’s new:

  • Timesheet view (Beta)
  • Favorite projects
  • Required fields
  • Smart project filter
  • Time rounding
  • Time audit
  • Set currency as anything you want (e.g. $, ‎€, £)
  • “Week starts on” from User Settings get applied to date picker and reports
  • Limited what entries regular users can see (only their own entries and other people’s entries on public projects)
  • New option in Workspace Settings: “Who can see all time entries: Admins or Everyone”
  • New option in Workspace Settings when “Who can see all time entries” is set to Everyone: “Who can see public project’s entries: Admins or Everyone”
  • Redirect from login page to tracker if a user is already logged in
  • Pagination on Team and Projects pages
  • Filter by name, e-mail, or user access on the Team page

What’s fixed:

  • Changing the filters in a report doesn’t work
  • Can’t edit time entries in the Detailed report when audit by duration is on
  • When adding time by duration, 0.5 is converted to 5 seconds. Now it converts to 30min
  • Members of user group can’t view project details they belong
  • Task list breaks when switching between Team and Task tab
  • Time zone alert shows up even when the time zone is right
  • Tags, User Settings, Reports, and Projects pages are not displayed properly on smaller screens
  • Long descriptions break UI

April 2018

What’s new:

What’s fixed:

  • When you set user as inactive, their hourly rate is lost
  • Delete inactive user doesn’t work
  • Dropdowns are not closed when switched to another field using Tab
  • Dashboard includes the time from the current running timer

March 2018

What’s new:

  • Mark tasks as done
  • Remove a user from a workspace
  • See timer running in the browser tab
  • Change email
  • Delete account
  • Full export of Detailed report (clients, tasks, tags, and more)
  • Task name character limit raised to 1000 characters
  • Clockify automatically assigns you the correct time zone when you first sign up
  • Added YYYY-DD-MM date format
  • Only task assignee can select the task when tracking time
  • Time tracker page now shows ALL the entries you’ve made in the last 7 days (not just 10 most recent ones as before). On each “Load more”, Clockify loads one more week. To see (and edit) time entries older than 1 month, you should use Detailed report.
    Use ENTER key to confirm dialogs.
  • Time tracker page is much faster now ( even if you have hundreds of time entries)
  • Stay logged in longer (no more having to log in each day)
  • You can now delete time entries in Detailed report (admins can delete all and team members can delete entries that they made)
  • You can now see date of each time entry in Detailed report
  • Notification when the time zone is not set correctly
  • Sorting is now case-insensitive

What’s fixed:

  • Clicking on + doesn’t fold back tasks in the time tracker
  • Long time descriptions in PDF exports overlap duration and amount
  • Team member can’t edit their time entries in Detailed report
  • Tasks aren’t sorted alphabetically
  • Support menu can’t be seen on smaller screen sizes
  • Input box text is difficult to see
  • Can’t export a saved report
  • Completed tasks can’t be selected as filters in a report
  • Time entries that start on one day and finish the next shows up in a report for both dates. Now, that time shows up only for the day it finished
  • Sometimes, due to different time zones, reports show time entries for the day before
  • User group members can’t access the project
  • When you remove a user from a user group, time entries from that user on a project where that user group was assigned won’t show in reports
  • Hover menu on Reports disappears too quickly
  • Long workspace names aren’t displayed fully
  • There’s no error message when 1) adding a task with the same name 2) task name is too long
  • Error when updating task estimate for tasks that have the same name as tasks on other projects
  • Users who are not owners can’t see saved reports, even if they saved one
  • You can’t edit and select a different project in Detailed report
  • Infinite scroll on project list on Time tracker page
  • Filtering time entries by name is case-sensitive (e.g. searching “Recording video” doesn’t return results for “recording video”)
  • There’s no page when a password token expires and a user doesn’t know that they have to reset the password again
  • When “Who can see Teams Dashboards” setting is set to everyone, some users still can’t see Team Dashboard
  • Admin can’t change a user group when updating a saved report
  • There are two users with the same email in the system
  • Subscribe/unsubscribe button for newsletter doesn’t work

February 2018

What’s new:

  • Archive projects
  • Change start time while the timer is running
  • You can now see when a filter is applied
  • User group members are now seen on a project’s Team tab
  • Continue recording button starts the timer even if you’re in manual time entry mode
  • Increased length limit from 250 to 500 characters for time entry description

What’s fixed:

  • Main menu items at the bottom can’t be accessed on smaller screens
  • Project status uppers only at the top of the project page
  • “Without project” filter doesn’t work
  • The amount is always 0 USD in project status
  • If a time entry lasts more than 24 hours, it shows just the hours of the last day (a time entry that lasts 25h will display as if it lasts 1h)
  • When updating a saved report and clicking save, the dialog doesn’t close
  • Dashboard looks bad on smaller screens
  • Data in ‘Grouped by’ table should be separated with a space
  • Different displays of charts in different time zones on Reports page
  • Header is separated from the timetable in Weekly report
  • Selecting Archived activity filter doesn’t get applied immediately and doesn’t reset other filters
  • Two project dropdowns can be opened at the same time
  • No warning message when an owner or a user tries to leave a workspace
  • When changing or setting a password and clicking save, the dialog doesn’t close

January 2018

What’s new:

What’s fixed:

  • Filter for summary reports does not work in some cases
  • User is allowed to edit project even if he is not admin (when hitting endpoint, not through the application)
  • User can’t set password if he first used Google login
  • Summary report ignores workspace currency and defaults back to USD
  • Time scale in reports have too many decimal points
  • Play button in Manual mode not working

December 2017

What’s new:

  • Group time in Summary report by tags

What’s fixed:

  • Rendering problems on Dashboard page