iOS app
Install Clockify on your iPhone or iPad and track time while on the go.
Download Clockify for iOS on the App Store →
Supports iOS 12.0 and higher
Log in #
To use Clockify app, you first have to log in to your Clockify account:
- Enter email and password of your Clockify account
- Tap Continue in with Google if you’ve associated your Clockify account with your Google account
If you don’t have a Clockify account yet, you can create it by tapping the Create an Account button.
Custom domain and subdomain login #
Self-hosted users (Server plan) using a custom domain or users with Enterprise plan with a subdomain can also use the iOS app. To log in open the app and:
- Find the Using self-hosted version? Click here or Using a subdomain? Click here link at the bottom of the app screen
- Choose your regional server address or subdomain and tap Submit
- Log in with your email and password or SSO
Log in with Apple login #
You can use the Apple login to sign up and log in to Clockify iOS app. You will be assigned an email with an Apple id.
If you want to keep using this Apple Id email with the Clockify web app too, you would first need to set the password in the iOS app’s settings.
Since the web browser version does not support Apple login, make sure to use the Apple Id email address you were assigned to and the password you set to log in to the web app.
Time Tracker #
Once you’ve logged in, you’ll be on the Time Tracker screen, where you’ll see your most recent time entries.
To navigate to other parts of the app, tap on the hamburger menu to open the main sidebar.

Time tracking #
Time Tracker screen lists your 50 most recent time entries. Here you can:
- Switch between timer and manual mode: tap > Switch entry mode
- Create a new time entry: tap on the blue play (timer) or plus (manual) button
- Continue tracking time for a recent task: swipe right on a time entry
- Delete a time entry: swipe left on a time entry
- See the timer ticking at the bottom, if it’s running
- Edit time entries: tap a time entry or the running timer to edit
- See past time entries: swipe up from the middle of the screen
Clockify does an automatic sync every time you perform an action. If you are offline, Clockify will sync as soon as you’re online. If you don’t perform any action, you’ll have to do a manual sync by swiping down from the middle of the screen.
Clockify groups similar time entries under one expandable entry. If you wish to see entries in chronological order, go to Profile settings in the web app and turn off Group similar time entries.

Creating a time entry #
- Choose time entry mode
- Tap plus/play icon in the lower right corner when you start working
- Fill details (description, start/end time, project, task, billability, tags)
- If in timer mode, stop the timer when you stop working
Continue the timer for an existing time entry by swiping left on the time entry and tapping Continue. Then, a new time entry with the same description, project, client, and tags will be created, and the timer will start ticking for it.
Calendar #
You can see all your time entries in a Calendar view (available in the sidebar menu).
- Tap on a time entry to edit it, or to continue a timer for it
- Add a new entry by tapping + sign at the corner
- Or press & hold a desired time slot until Time entry details modal appears
- To move time entry, press & hold a time slot and drag & drop it to desired time
- Navigate to other days by tapping on a date
- See when you have time off
Syncing Clockify and your local calendar #
Connect your phone’s calendar to track and see events in Clockify.
- Go to Settings
- Tap on Calendar integration
- Toggle the switch to connect with your calendar
- Tap OK in the confirmation modal that appears to allow Clockify to access your calendar
You’ll get a list of all accounts and calendars connected to your phone. Choose which events you’d like to see in your calendar (e.g. scheduled assignment, holidays, contacts), or enable them all.

Now, when you go to the Calendar screen you’ll be able to see events from your calendar.
Track time with calendar events #
When you tap on one of the events on the Calendar screen, you’ll get the action sheet with the option to:
- start timer
- copy as time entry (not available if Force timer is turned on)
- cancel action
If you choose Start timer option, you’ll start the timer for the event you chose. You can discard the running timer on the Time Tracker screen.
With Copy as time entry, you’ll copy the event as a time entry that can be added to a task or a project.
If a there is a newly created event in your calendar, go to the Calendar screen and wait for the events to sync. After the sync is done, you’ll be able to see them in Clockify.
Timer widget #
You can quickly start and stop the timer from your phone without having to open the app. Widget makes switching time between tasks easier so you can track time with one tap. Just tap on the project to start adding time to it, and switch projects simply by tapping another project.
You can also start/stop or continue the latest timer with haptic touch (3d touch) when you long-press the app icon.
How to add a widget to your homescreen:
- Go to widgets screen on your iOS (left screen from homescreen)
- Go to the bottom of the page and tap Edit
- Scroll down to Customize and activate Clockify widget
- Tap on play button to start a new timer
- Tap Show more to see previous three activities, so you can quickly continue a previous timer

Timesheet mode #
You can log how much time you’ve spent on projects for each day in the week in the Timesheet (Timesheet has to be enabled in workspace settings first).
- Add project/task
- Tap on the field next to the added project for the day you want to log time
- Enter time
- When a new week starts, you can reuse project/task combination from last week or apply a template

Editing time entry #
To edit a time entry, simply tap on it from the Time Tracker screen. If the timer is running, you can edit details of that time entry by tapping on the timer.
On Time entry details screen you can:
- Edit start and end time, as well as the date
- Select task and project (plus create project, tasks, and clients from within the app)
- Edit time description
- Mark time entry as billable
- Add/remove tags (plus create them)
Note: Regular (non-admin) team members aren’t able to create clients, projects, and tags if they are not granted these permissions. To give them such permissions, you will need to log in via Web browser and set Who can create projects and clients, Who can create tasks and Who can create tags to Anyone in the Workspace settings.
Anytime you edit something, Clockify will automatically save the changes and sync data.
To delete a time entry, go back to Time Tracker screen, swipe left on the time entry, and tap Delete.

Tracking breaks #
If you’d like to see how much time you’re spending on breaks and optimize it a bit, you can track your breaks in the Time Tracker on your iOS device.
Break timer is available to all users regardless of your user role. You only need to have breaks enabled in the Workspace settings on the web app.
To start a break:
- Switch to the Timer mode in the Time Tracker screen
- Swipe to the left next to the play button at the bottom right corner
- You’re now in the Break mode
- Start the break by clicking play
Each break entry contains the same type of information as any time entry, including start and end time, duration, project name, whether it’s billable or not and optionally some custom fields.

You can always edit and delete break entries unless that period is locked and the time entries are approved.
Important to note:
- If tracking breaks is disabled or the workspace is downgraded, tracked break entries stay in the Time Tracker
- If force timer is turned on, you can’t switch the mode and can only start the timer by tapping play
- If Break mode is turned on, when you duplicate or continue the break entry, a new break entry is created
- If Break mode is turned off, when you duplicate or continue the break entry, a regular break entry is created
- Break timer is available in the offline mode
Submitting for approval #
If your workspace have approval enabled, you’ll be able to submit weekly timesheets for approval.
- Open Time Tracker or Timesheet
- Navigate to the week you wish to submit
- Review and confirm by tapping SUBMIT
All submitted weeks will have PENDING label next to them. To withdraw the submission, tap on the pending label and then tap Withdraw.
All approved weeks will have APPROVED label next to them, and the entries will have the approved checkmark. You can’t edit approved time. But, you can add new time entries (if the week isn’t locked) and submit it for another approval.
Requesting time off #
- Open Time off from the sidebar (if you don’t see it, make sure you have Time off enabled in workspace settings)
- Tap Request at the top left corner to create a request
- Select time off policy (e.g. vacation, sick leave, etc.)
- Select dates and/or time
- Add a note (optional)
- Tap on Submit
You can request time off in 15-minute increments (e.g. 15min or 45min).
Once your request is approved, you’ll get an email and requests will have approved status.
In the timeline screen you can see all your requests and their status, and all holidays.
In the balance screen, you can see how much time off you’ve accrued, used, and have available broken down by each policy.
Recording expenses #
- Open Expenses from the sidebar (if you don’t see it, make sure you have Expenses enabled in workspace settings)
- Tap + to add a new expense
- Select category
- Enter amount
- Select project
- Choose date
- Optional: add a note and/or a receipt

Attaching receipt #
You can attach a receipt to a project’s expense.
When creating an expense:
- Tap Add receipt at the top left
- Take a photo, choose photo from library, or upload PDF file
Maximum size of uploaded file is 5 MB.
Adding a new project #
- Tap on an entry
- Tap on the Project field
- Tap on the + sign at the top right corner

Reports #
Reports screen shows you how much time you’ve tracked each day and project breakdown. It’s equivalent to Dashboard in the web app.
You can choose whether you want to see:
- Weekly, monthly, or yearly data
- Just your time or time from the whole team
You can swipe left on the report to see data for the previous week/month/year, or right to see data for the next week/month/year.

Note: regular team members won’t be able to see the data for the Team if you’ve disabled it in your workspace settings.
Profile Settings #
When you tap on your account name in the side menu, you’ll see the screen where you can:
- Change profile picture
- Switch workspace
- Change Time Zone settings
- Log out of your Clockify account

Settings (General) #
When you tap on the Settings menu in the sidebar you’ll see a general settings screen, where you can:
- Enable the option to add mobile tag to each time entry that’s created on your phone
- Change app theme
- Set a default project
- Force offline mode
- Calendar integration

App theme #
You can set an app theme that corresponds to the system. By default, when you install the app, app theme is set to System default. If you’d like to change the default theme, you can do that in the Settings screen and choosing one of the following options:
- System default
- Light
- Dark
The theme will be applied immediately.
Default project #
If you continuously work on the same project, you can set a default project. Then, all you have to do is type what you’re working on and start the timer, and the project will be selected automatically.
You can set:
- A fixed project, which will be always used when you start a timer for an entry without a project (until you change the default project)
- Or select Last used project, and the timer will pick up the most recently used available project from your list of time entries
Offline mode #
You can track time in Clockify on your iPhone even offline. You can create time entries manually or start/stop the timer, and newly created time entries will be saved locally on your phone. When you get back online, the app will automatically sync all time entries.
When you’re offline, you will only be able to see information loaded while you were online (time entries, projects, tasks, tags, etc.). So projects, tasks, and tags are available for selection if they were loaded before you went offline.
It’s not possible to create new projects, tasks, tags, and clients while offline.
If you notice that the app is very slow, it probably means you have an unstable internet connection. In that case, enable Force offline mode in Settings to improve performance. This will make the app behave as if it’s offline without you having to turn off your internet connection. After your turn off Force offline mode, the app will automatically sync all time entries.
If you are using the app in the offline mode, please make sure you’ve synced your time entries with the cloud prior to logging out. If you fail to do that, all the data that is not synced at the moment of logging out, will be lost.