Time off
Manage holidays, vacations, and other types of leave, and track accrual and balances.
Time off is an extra feature, which you can enable by upgrading your workspace to Standard, Pro, or Enterprise plan.
Creating and managing policies #
Before anyone can request time off, you first need to enable Time off in Workspace Settings and define a time off policy.
You can access all your policies and create new ones on the Time off page by clicking on the settings icon.
You can have multiple policies, one for each type of employees.
Each policy has several fields that affects only that policy:
- Assignee – only team members you add to the policy will be able to request time off for it
- Time unit – you can track time off and balance in days (like vacation) or hours (like banked hours i.e. time off in lieu)
- Requires approval – your team members can submit time off requests, which managers or specific members can approve (admins can approve time off for everyone). If left unchecked, all requests are automatically approved when submitted.
- Automatically accrues – all active policy members will receive selected number of days or hours on their balance at the start of each month or year
- Allow negative balance – if checked, team members can request time off even if they don’t have enough available days/hours (you can use this option for Sick leave). You can also limit the number of allowed negative balance.
- Allow half day – if time off policy is calculated in days, you can let people ask for a half-day leave
- Allow half day across multiple days – if time off policy is calculated in days with Allow half day enabled, you can let people pick first or second halves of days off across multiple days
- Allow hourly across multiple days – if time off policy is calculated in hours, you can let people pick multiple hours off across multiple days

You can archive policies that are no longer used (e.g. Vacation 2021) by clicking on the three dots next to the policy, as well as restore or delete them the same way.
When you archive a policy, all balances and requests remain, but team members can’t choose the archived policy when requesting time off. Deleting a policy deletes all the requests and balances for that policy.
Managing non-working days #
You can define and manage holidays and policies on the Time off page when you click on the settings icon and define working days in the Workspace Settings (by default, Saturday and Sunday is counted as non-working).

Manage holidays #
You can manage holidays by creating multiple ones, assigning different people to different holidays (e.g. if some people don’t get time off for a specific holiday), specifying if you’d like the holiday to occur annually and defining a holiday color. Choose one, or make a custom holiday color.

When people request time off, holidays and weekends won’t count. For example, if someone requests Jan 1 – Jan 7 for time off – and Jan 1 is holiday, Jan 2 is Saturday, and Jan 3 is Sunday – their total request will be 4 days for time off.
To edit or delete holidays, click on three dots next to the holiday in the Holidays modal.
You can edit holiday name, people assigned to it, period of time, its annual occurrence and color.

Deleting or changing working days doesn’t impact existing time off requests.
Manage policies #
Holiday policies can be managed in the same way as holidays. You can create multiple policies, assign different people to different policies (e.g. if certain policy doesn’t apply to certain people), check if the policy requires approval and needs to be approved by admin or manager, or some other specific member.

When defining policy, you need to enter policy name and choose members or groups of members to which the policy will be applied.
Optionally, you can define time unit (days or hours), whether this policy requires approval of admins, managers or specific members, if it can be accrued after a certain period of time, if negative balance or half day off is allowed and specify a policy color. Choose one, or make a custom policy color.
To edit or delete policies click on three dots next to the policy in the Policies modal.

Holiday and policy colors previously defined are visible on Timesheet, Calendar, Time off and Schedule pages.
Requesting time off #
- Go to Time off page
- Click Request time off
- Choose time off policy (you can see all policies and how many days/hours you have available in the dropdown)
- Specify period (holidays and weekends won’t be counted toward total)
- Add an optional note for the approver
- Click Submit
If you don’t have enough balance (and the policy doesn’t allow for negative balance), you won’t be able to select that policy.
If you made a mistake, you can withdraw your pending or approved request by clicking on the three dots next to your request (when approved request is withdrawn, your manager and admin will receive an email).
If you’re an admin or a team manager, you can create time off requests for other users by selecting a different user in the user dropdown when requesting time off.

Email notifications #
- When someone requests time off, the person responsible for approving that request will get an email (as defined in the policy):
- Admins receive email notification only if they’re the only ones that can approve time off requests.
- If team managers can approve requests, admin can receive email notifications by assigning themselves a team manager role users they manage.
- When time off is approved (or rejected), the person who has requested the time off and their team manager will receive an email.
Approving time off #
When a member requests time off, the person responsible for that policy will get an email (either their team manager, or a specific person for the whole policy).
You can approve requests on the Time off page in Requests tab, which lists all requests that you can approve.
You can filter all requests by status (pending, approved, rejected), and by a specific team member.
You can reject a request and write a note, and the person who made the request will get an email. You can also reject already approved requests if there was a mistake.
You can click on the note icon to see submission and reject notes, and hover over the status label to see who approved the request and when.
If a person doesn’t have enough days/hours, and the policy doesn’t allow negative balance, the request’s total will be red and the request can’t be approved.

Viewing leaves #
You can see all team members who have scheduled leaves in the Timeline tab, so you can plan and synchronize leaves better.
You can see leaves for the next 30 days, or choose a custom time range.
Only people who have time off in that period will show up on the timeline as blocks:
- Green (default) – approved time off request
- Orange (default) – pending request that’s waiting approval
- Gray (default) – holiday
Although these are the default colors for policy and holiday, you can change them when creating new policy or holiday, or when editing the existing ones. This way, instead of the default green, you can have a color defined in policy as a color of approved time off request, lighter shade of policy color for pending request and color defined in holiday as the color indicating holiday.
Who can see what:
- Admins can see time off for everyone
- Team managers can see time off for their team members
- Regular users can see their own, plus time off for their team (e.g. their team manager’s users). If you enable Regular user can see other people’s time off in workspace settings, they’ll be able to see everyone’s time off.

Managing accruals #
Balance tab shows you how much time off each member has for each policy, how much they’ve used up, and see detailed log of changes in their balance history.
You can view balance by policy (e.g. vacation balance for each team member) or by user (e.g. balance for each policy for a specific user).
Regular users can see balance history only for their own policies, admins can see everyone’s, and team managers can see their team members’:
- Accrued – how many days or hours a person received
- Used – how many days or hours a person used up by requesting time off
- Available – how many days or hours a person has left which they can use when requesting time off (accrued minus used)

Before people can take time off, you first need to give them days (or hours), which they can use up when requesting time off:
- If a person doesn’t have any time accrued, you can set initial balance by clicking Add
- You can add or remove accrual days/hours by clicking on the three dots (and leave a comment why the person received or lost time off)
- You can add or remove days/hours in bulk when you view balance grouped by policy, and then check for which users you wish to add/remove time off
When admin adds or removes time off manually, the accrued columns gets updated.
When a person’s balance is manually updated (via add or remove), they and their team manager will receive an email.
Balance history #
If you need to know why a certain person has X number of days, you can click on the three dots and click History.
- Regular users can see only their own balance, as well as balance history.
- Admins can see balance for each person, as well as add or remove accrued days/hours.
- Team managers can see balance and balance history for all their members, but can’t edit it.
Balance history lists all the time off requests a person made, their status, and changes to their accrual: you can see what was changed, when, and who made it:
- Pending and approved requests remove time from the balance
- Rejected and withdrawn requests add back the original time to the balance
- Admin’s manual action can add or remove from accrued balance (e.g. a member receives days off when a new period starts, or they work overtime and receive time in lieu)

Exporting time off data #
This feature allows admins and team managers to easily export time off data for their teams in CSV and Excel formats and keep track of their time off requests and balances. It is available on the Time off page in the Requests and Balance tabs and is accessible to Standard, Pro and Enterprise users.
To export time off data from the Request tab:
- Go to the Time off page in the left sidebar
- In the Requests tab, apply filters to select the requests you want to export
- Click Export at the top right corner
- Choose to save requests as CSV or Excel file

Time off requests will be exported according to the filters you have previously set. This includes status of the requests (pending, approved or rejected), users and time period.
To export time off data from the Balance tab:
- Go to the Time off page in the left sidebar
- In the Balance tab, filter out users’ time off balances you’d like to export
- Click Export at the top right corner
- Choose to save balance as CSV or Excel file
Time off balance will be exported according to the filters you have previously set. This includes time off policy and users.