Time tracking apps
Install Clockify and track time from anywhere — everything is synced online.
Chrome • Firefox • Edge • Mac • Windows • Linux • Android • iOS
Idle detectionStop timer from tracking time you spend away from your computer.
Mac, Windows, Chrome
Auto start/stopAutomatically start or stop the timer when you turn on your computer or browser.
Mac, Windows, Chrome
Offline modeTrack time even while offline.
Mac, Windows, Linux, Android, iOS
Default projectAutomatically preselect some project when starting a timer.
Mac, Windows, Chrome, iOS, Android
RemindersGet notification when you forget to start a timer.
Mac, Windows, Chrome
Pomodoro timerGet notifications when it's time to take a break.
Mac, Windows, Chrome
Auto trackerTrack how much time you spend in other apps on your computer.
Mac, Windows, Linux
ExpensesRecord your expenses and attach receipts.
Android, iOS
Time offRequest time off and see your balance.
Android, iOS