In addition to using the time tracker, you can also add and review time using a Timesheet view.
To enable the Timesheet, click on the Settings button in the left sidebar and switch the Timesheet toggle to activate it.

Timesheet view is a much quicker method for adding time and is perfect for employees who are used to filling their timesheets manually at the end of the day and need to enter a lot of time at once.

Simply select the projects/tasks you were working on during the week, and fill time for each day.
Adding time #
- Choose a project/task you were working on
- Write how much you’ve worked on that task that day
- Add a row for each additional project/task you worked on
- Switch to a different week using the date navigation in the top-right corner
- To add more details (description, tag, start/end time, set billable status), hover over a cell with time and click on the three dots
Tip: If you type 1, it will become 1min. But if you switch to decimal format, 1 will become 1h.
Please note that, if the start and end time include an overnight period, there will be a superscript number next to the end time, showing how many additional days the time entry covers.
Time Tracker and Timesheet share your time data. So, if you add time via Time Tracker, you’ll see that time in the Timesheet, and vice versa.
All users can edit or delete their time, as long as it hasn’t been locked. You can also delete time by clicking on the X. If you a delete time entry in the timesheet, all the time associated with that task for that week will be deleted, so be careful.
Time added through the Timesheet will inherit the project’s billability status. If you wish to change the billability status, use the Time Tracker, or hover over a cell with the time, click on the three dots and make the change.
Once the Timesheet view is enabled, Project becomes a required field automatically and can’t be turned off (meaning all time entries must have a project before they can be added).
The first entry you create for that day gets its start time from your Day start (Time settings) in the Profile settings. Each subsequent entry for that day will be auto-incremented, based on the order you enter time.
Creating new timesheets quickly #
When a new week starts, you’ll get an empty timesheet for that week. You can quickly populate your empty timesheet with tasks using two methods:
Copy last week: If you work on the same tasks day-to-day, you can copy over the projects and tasks from your most recent timesheet, without any tracked time.
Templates: You can save a timesheet with projects/tasks from any week as a template. Then, when your timesheet is empty, click on the desired template at the bottom, and your timesheet will be populated with all the projects/tasks from the template.
Timesheet template will only be available for the user that created it.
Copy last week, and templates are only available when you have an empty timesheet for the selected week.
Adding time for others in Timesheet #
Note: Adding time for others is an extra feature, which you can enable by upgrading your account (to Basic).
- Go to your Timesheet Page
- Click the Teammates button and select a teammate to view their Timesheet
- Choose a Project or a Task
- Add/edit time for that teammate

Only the owner or admins can see, add, or edit another person’s time entries in the Timesheet. Regular users can only edit their own time entries.
If you add time for someone on a project that person doesn’t have access to, they won’t be able to change, edit, or add more time for that particular project in Timesheet.
Timesheet print/PDF #
When you’re on a Timesheet page, you can get a nice print-friendly view by going to your browser’s options and clicking Print (or press Ctrl+P). When you’re in the browser’s print mode, you’ll get an option to save the page as PDF.
You can also save and export Weekly report:
- Filter report by some user
- Click Export -> Customize and turn off Show subgroup
- Click share icon and name the report (e.g. Jane’s Timesheet)
- Open link each week and export the report as PDF

Add description, tags, delete entry and change the billable status of an entry #
To add a description or tags to an entry in the Timesheets, hover over the entry and click on the three little dots.

A box will pop up and you’ll see the option to add a description, a tag, delete an entry or change the billable status of an entry.

To delete an entry:
- Click on the three dots in Edit modal
- Choose Delete
- Type DELETE to confirm the action
- Delete tracked time
- Click Delete in confirmation modal
- Select tracked time
- Enter 0 in the cell
- Click Delete in confirmation modal
Hide Time Tracker page and use Timesheets only #
If you prefer to use the Timesheets mode and don’t need the Time tracker page, you can now hide it in the Workspace settings of your account.

Force Timer #
Since the Force Timer feature is available with the Pro plan, entering time through the Timesheet can be disabled. In that case, Timesheet can only be used to see the time entries.
To find out more, click here.