Browser extension
Clockify Time Tracker for Chrome lets you track time from anywhere on the web, without having to open Clockify.

How it works #
Log in #
To start tracking time, you’ll first need to log in to the extension by clicking the Log in and then log in to the web version. If you’re already logged in, the extension will automatically log you in.
If you don’t have a Clockify account yet, you can create it by clicking the New here? Create an account button below.
Logging in with custom domain and subdomain #
Self-hosted and Enterprise plan users who are on a subdomain can also use the Chrome browser extension:
- Open the extension
- Find the Log in to custom domain (Server plan users) or Log in to sub domain (Enterprise and Pro plan users on subdomain) link at the bottom of the extension screen
If you’re logging in with a custom domain, choose your regional server address. For example, for the EU region, it could be
If you’re logging in with a subdomain, enter subdomain name in the field (e.g.
Click Submit and log in with your email and password, or SSO.
Time tracking #
Once you’ve logged in to the extension, type what you’re working on and start the timer.
To edit the running time, click on the running entry to bring up its details. There you can change the description, change running time, mark time as billable, and add project and tags.
You can also edit past time entries by clicking on them.
You can also add time manually (once you switch to manual mode in the settings).
To quickly continue tracking time, click on the play icon for the time entry you wish to continue, and the timer will start ticking again for that entry.
Dark mode #
You can enable dark mode for the extension (as well as desktop and mobile app) in the app’s Settings.

Start/stop shortcut #
Press Ctrl+Shift+U to start a timer without having to open the extension. If you have a running timer, pressing Ctrl+Shift+U will stop it.
To use some other combination as a shortcut, enter chrome://extensions/shortcuts in your browser, find the Clockify extension, and change the shortcut to something else. You can also make this a global shortcut, meaning the shortcut will start/stop the timer even if you don’t have the Chrome as the active window.

Track time from selected text #
- Selecting any text in the browser (e.g. task name in Trello, email subject in Gmail, issue in Github)
- Right-click on the selected text
- Click Start timer with description in the right-click menu

Default project and task #
If you work on the same project every day, set a default project or task. Then, all you have to do is type what you’re working on, start the timer, and the project will be selected automatically.
You can select:
- A fixed project, which will be always used when you start a timer for an entry without a project
- A fixed task which will be always used when you start a timer for an entry without a project or task
- Last used project, and timer will pick up the most recently used available project (if task is required, task will also be picked up)
You can enable default project in the extension’s Settings.

Idle detection #
While tracking time, Clockify browser extension can detect when you’re away from your computer so you don’t accidentally log that time. The extension detects when you’re inactive based on your mouse and keyboard movements.
If there’s no mouse movement or keyboard strokes for X minutes, the timer will enter into idle mode. It will continue running, but it will treat those X minutes (and the time after that) as idle. When you become active, a notification will pop up, asking what you want to do with the idle time.
You can choose to:
- Discard idle time – The timer will be stopped and the detected idle time will be removed from its total.
- Discard and continue – The current timer will be stopped, the detected idle time will be removed from its total, and a new timer will immediately start for the same activity.
- Keep idle time – The timer will keep running as it is. In order to keep idle time in the extension, simply close or dismiss the notification.
To set up idle time detection in the extension:
- Click on the Clockify timer button located in the upper right-hand corner of your browser
- Open the extension settings by clicking on the hamburger icon
- Go to Settings
- Select Idle detection checkbox
- Specify the number of minutes of inactivity after which the idle time will be detected
- Click Done
Please note that the idle detection will work only if you started the timer from the extension (it won’t work if you started the timer from the web but have the extension installed).

Pomodoro #
With the Pomodoro timer, set up notifications to let you know when it’s time to take a short break.
To enable Pomodoro:
- Open the extension settings by clicking on the hamburger icon
- Go to Settings
- Check the Enable Pomodoro timer

Timer interval – set how long will your Pomodoro session last.
Short break – set how long will your short break last.
Long break – set how long will your long break last and after how many short breaks it will occur. For example, if you set Long break starts after 3 short breaks your fourth break will be the long break.
For Long Break to work you would need to start/stop the timer from the notification popup. If you stop the timer manually, it will reset the count sessions and will start over.
Please note that if you have built-in notification sound enabled in Windows already, the notification will play both sounds so it is best to have just one option enabled.
Disable/enable notification sound on Windows by going to Settings>System>Notifications & actions then click on the Google Chrome icon (note: this switch should still be set to ON) and switch off or on Play sound when the notification arrives.
Default break project – Select the default project on which the break timer will be logged (Last used project will take the project/task from the timer just before the break).
Automatic breaks – You can choose to automatically start/stop the timer when the Pomodoro period or break ends.
Focus mode – When enabled, your time logs will be hidden while you have the timer running and you’ll just see a visual representation of time left.

Start/stop automatically #
You can automatically start/stop the timer when you open/close the browser so you don’t have to worry about clocking in when you start working or clocking out when you finish with your work.
- Open the extension settings by clicking on the hamburger icon
- Go to Settings
- Check the Start timer when browser starts and/or Stop timer when browser closes

Note that if you shut down your PC and leave the browser open the timer will continue working. You would have to close the browser first and then turn off the computer in order for the timer to stop.
In case you have both idle detection and auto-stop enabled, if the timer is stopped automatically, idle detection will not trigger (meaning idle time will be kept).
To see more about how it works, follow this link.
Reminders #
Simply check Remind to track time box in the Clockify browser extension settings, specify the interval (e.g. 10 minutes), and you will receive a notification from Clockify every 10 minutes, reminding you to use the timer.
You can also set reminder start and end time, and the reminder notification will only appear during this time period (e.g. from 08:00 to 16:00).
And, you can also set days for which you want to enable/disable reminders. If you don’t want to receive reminders on Sundays for example, leave it unchecked.
To see more about how it works, follow this link.

Integrations #
Start Clockify timer from within other web tools, like Jira, Trello, Asana, Gitlab, Basecamp, Slack, Github, Google Calendar, Xero…
Note: if you try to stop the timer from another website and you get an error, it means that project is a required field. You’ll either have to add the project manually from extension, enable the creation of projects/tasks/tags in the extension’s settings, or disable required field (if you have Timesheet enabled, project field is automatically required).
The extension can also pick up project name from another app if there’s a project in Clockify with the same name, and create and select projects, tasks, and tags based on the integration. Here’s how.
You can also make Clockify work with self-hosted instances of software (like JIRA, Redmine, etc.), here’s how.
When you start a timer via a Start timer button, a popup will appear where you can add a project and edit other information for the time entry. You can disable this in the extension’s Settings > Show post-start popup.