Inviting and managing users
In Clockify, you can have an unlimited number of users. This way, your whole team can track time. In order to do that, they first need to be invited to your workspace.
Inviting users #
Only admins can invite new users to a workspace and manage their details (set their billable rate, set as inactive, and assign to groups).
- Click Team in the main sidebar on the left
- Click on Add new member in the upper right corner
- Enter the email of the person you want to invite
- Click Add
If you’d like to invite multiple users at once, enter the emails in the designated fields one below the other, or copy and paste the list of emails (e.g.,
If you’re using a free plan you can enter up to 5 email addresses at the same time (but you can invite an unlimited number of users in total). If you’re on a paid plan, there’s no limit to the number of email addresses you can enter and thus the number of users you can invite at once.
Keep in mind that paid plans are charged per user seat. Learn more about how to manage user seats and paid plans here.
If you don’t want your members to receive the email and first set everything up, you can uncheck the Send email invite option. Then, when you’re ready, you can manually invite users.
Manually inviting users #
If you’ve added a member, but they haven’t received an email, you can send them the invitation manually, in two different ways:
- Click on three dots next to member and choose Send an invite email
- Click on three dots next to member and choose Copy invite link and send it to them personally
Members can sign up on their own and they’ll automatically be part of your workspace (if they have a pending invite).
If a member already has a Clockify account, they have to log in and accept the invite via the bell notification in the upper right corner.

Accepting the invite #
- The person you invited will receive an invitation email with the activation link they need to click
- After clicking the link, they need to enter the password they want to use
- The invited person can then log in and start tracking time for you
Alternatively, if a person is invited to your workspace (and they don’t have a Clockify account), they can sign up on their own and they’ll automatically become a part of your workspace (if they have a pending invite to your workspace).
If the user is already invited, they won’t be able to create an account with the same email address on the Signup page.

If a person already has a Clockify account, they will receive an email and a notification in Clockify. In that case, they have to open the bell notification from the top right corner and click Accept. Then, they’ll be able to switch to your workspace and start tracking time for your company.

Editing user profiles #
Apart from editing user profile with the Control accounts, you can also do it on the Team page.
Make all sorts of modifications of your team members’ profiles including changing profile photo, personal info, week start, working days and daily work capacity.
To edit user profile:
- Go to Team page
- Click three dots next to the person whose profile you’d like to edit
- Make changes – change profile photo, user’s name/email, their week start, define working days, or change user’s daily work capacity
Making someone admin #
Only owner can remove the admin role from someone, transfer ownership to another user, and delete the workspace.
To make someone an admin, go to Team page, click on +Role next to the person you wish to make admin, tick the Admin checkbox, and save.
To remove them as admin, untick the checkbox Admin. Only workspace owner can remove admin role.
Making someone owner #
To make someone an owner, the owner of the workspace has to click on the three dots next to the name of the person who they wish to transfer ownership to, click Transfer ownership, and confirm the action.

Learn more about other manager roles and how to give users manager rights, here.
Deactivating and deleting users #
When you delete or deactivate a user, they won’t be able to see and track time on your workspace and won’t appear on the Team page anymore.
The difference between deleting and deactivating is that you can activate a user whenever you want, without them having to accept workspace invitation.
If user is deactivated from the only workspace they were using, they’ll be logged out and redirected to the login page to make another workspace. In case they are using more than one workspace, they’ll be able to log in to the other workspace they’re a member of.
To deactivate a user:
- Go to Team page
- Click three dots next to the person you want to deactivate/delete
- Select Deactivate
Once the user is no longer active you will be able to delete them. To delete a user:
- Go to Team page
- Click three dots next to the inactive user
- Select Delete user
Users can only be deleted once they are deactivated. Also, when a user is deactivated, their current timer is stopped (if they have one running).
The time entries of deleted/inactive users will remain but you won’t be able to filter reports by them. You can see their time in the summary report when you group it by user.
To reactivate a user:
- Go to Team page
- Select Show all or Show inactive users in the drop down menu
- Select Activate
Once a user is activated, they can log in and track time as usual (although they won’t receive an email or a notification that they’ve been activated).
All inactive user names will be strike-through.