Time management statistics everyone should know in 2023 (and beyond)

How many times have you wished for a day to last longer?
If you often find yourself in a situation where there simply is no time to perform tasks, don't worry — time management is both the problem and the solution.
Did you know that a whopping 82% of people don't have a dedicated time management system? We believe it's a waste of great potential.
However, improving time management is a long-term goal as it includes a wide and complex range of skills in several phases.
As every person is unique, the actual adaptation period can significantly vary — but bear in mind that every skill can be learned. Once you commit, the advantages are too obvious to stop working on it.
That's why we've compiled the ultimate list of time management statistics — to help you understand the impact of time management on your personal and professional life, and achieve a balance between the two.
General and global statistics of time management
"They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.” — Andy Warhol
This segment will introduce you to the topic and point out what's relevant for time management on a global scale. After all, one's habits are the foundation of time management — so let's get some perspective.
So, why should anyone devote their attention to time management? According to statistics on the subject, some of the core benefits of being a good time manager are:
- Improved focus,
- Higher quality of work,
- Reduced stress levels, and
- A better sleep pattern.
Statistics about time management and the Internet
The World Wide Web can be an amazing resource for improvement and learning.
However, we've all encountered wasting too much time browsing, streaming, or scrolling through our social media feeds, right?
Without a proper time management system, it's getting harder to avoid various distractions by the day.
That's mostly due to technological advances.
More specifically, the 2 factors that enable being online at all times, thus leading to us being more easily distracted are:
- Highly increased availability of smart devices, and
- High-speed internet connection.
The average daily time a person spends online is close to 7 hours
The latest data points to a stunning 62.5% of the world's population being regular internet users. That's 4.95 billion people whose habits are, no doubt, altered by the fact.
The same research shows the adoption rates have skyrocketed as the remote work model continues being on the rise — in 2022, Y-o-Y growth was estimated at 4%. In other words, there were 192 million more internet users than in 2021.
Just by looking at the numbers it seems like being in control of our own schedule and priorities and improving time management skills is challenging. However, most people claim they feel more productive if they manage their own time and workload.
One of the statistics about time management from the same report reveals the average time a person spends online is 6 hours and 58 minutes.
The penetration rate of internet users is the highest in Northern Europe — a whopping 98%, while it's lowest in Middle Africa — only 24%.
Check out the top 10 list of territories with the highest penetration rate.
#1 | Northern Europe | 98 |
#2 | Western Europe | 94 |
#3 | Northern America | 92 |
#4 | Southern Europe | 87 |
#5 | Eastern Europe | 86 |
#6 | Southern America | 75 |
#7 | Eastern Asia | 73 |
#8 | Oceania | 73 |
#9 | Western Asia | 72 |
#10 | Central America | 70 |
Fun fact — the number of social media users is 4.62 billion, meaning that 93.4% of internet users have a profile on at least one social network.
While having many benefits, such platforms can be a significant source of distraction, so we suggest muting your notifications while working to avoid large chunks of time spent procrastinating.
Dealing with procrastination: Why it happens and how to fix itInternet users spend 223 minutes per day online on their smartphones
Let's mention another prevailing source of distraction — our smartphones. The device has evolved as our screens have become larger and our internet connection better.
The report we've mentioned above also reveals — a stunning 92.1% of internet users are regularly online on their mobile devices.
The explanation is simple — smartphones and tablets are practical when we're on the go. The thing is, most of us don't use them only for relevant matters — nor only on the go.
So the average daily time people spend online on their mobile devices is 3 hours and 43 minutes.
Moreover, the average mobile connection speed reported was 69.92% for download and 14.01% for upload.
Before such high-speed connections, internet use was limited to the essentials, such as finding a phone number, an address, or checking our inbox. But now, when we can effortlessly stream our favorite TV shows on Netflix, it's become fairly easy to lose sight of our priorities.
How to engage in Deep work and achieve your goalsOnly 30% of internet users list business-related research among primary reasons of use
The data on primary reasons people use the Internet tells us a lot about intent, common behavior, and thus habits of internet users.
The list from the 2022 Digital Global Report goes into more detail on the reasons for internet use.
Primary reason | Percentage of internet users reporting |
1. Finding information | 61 |
2. Staying in touch with family and friends | 55.2 |
3. Keeping up to date with events and news | 53.1 |
4. Watching videos, TV shows, and movies | 51.5 |
5. “How to” research | 51.3 |
6. Getting inspired or finding new ideas | 47.5 |
7. Listening to music | 45.8 |
8. Research of brands and products | 45.8 |
9. General browsing and spending of free time | 42.7 |
10. Studying and education | 42.3 |
11. Research related to places and traveling | 37.6 |
12. Research on health matters and products | 35.8 |
13. Finance management | 34.6 |
14. Gaming | 31.9 |
15. Business-related research | 30.8 |
16. Meeting new people | 30.5 |
17. Organizing day-to-day life | 28.2 |
18. Sharing opinions | 27.7 |
19. Business-related networking | 21.4 |
As you can see above, time management statistics regarding our virtual presence point to education, business, and organization purposes, all being on the low end of the list. Ouch!
Moreover, you can also notice that not too many of the major reasons are considered productive.
Personal productivity guide: Maximize productivity with these methods and appsWhat matters the most in time management?
In order to identify inefficiency and get the most out of your day, you must determine your priorities.
Writing everything down is a simple solution and a significant starting point, sure.
But, only a proper system, including regular time audits, has the potential to bring your time management skills to the next level.
Let's see how many people bother to do that.
A dedicated Time Management System (TMS) — only 18% of people report having one
According to research by Development Academy, a staggering 82% of people don't use any time management system.
Bear in mind that a simple to-do or a to-don't list is not a proper system due to the lack of complexity and prioritization of tasks.
Still, 33% reported relying on simple to-do lists to manage their work.
Furthermore, 25% said they simply first deal with what feels most important, while 24% rely on their email inboxes to manage their priorities and, in accordance, their time.
Writing a schedule in a diary or a planner is what around 12% reported doing — and this does count as a TM system.
Time management statistics also reveal that the remaining 6% use specific methods, mentioned by their popularity, in the declining order:
According to the rest of their answers, the Eisenhower matrix was the most successful one.
Time audits — only 20% of people conduct them
To put it simply, a time audit refers to a process of tracking what you've done in a specific period of time.
It's the first step in developing and mastering time management skills.
Once you're able to identify how long it takes you to perform a task, it becomes much easier to understand your pace and plan your schedule in advance.
However, time tracking statistics indicate that 49% of people never carried out a time audit.
The other 31% said they do it occasionally, while only 20% do so regularly.
Time audits will also help you understand your behavior patterns, find your biological prime time, and make precise time estimates at work.
Time audits start with tracking time, so a solution such as Clockify can help you conduct audits, but also become more accountable and improve your daily routine.
You'll be able to easily:
- Set your daily goals,
- Monitor your productivity levels,
- Improve your efficiency, and much more.
Proper sleep — an average person in the US sleeps less than 7 hours a day
Many aspects of time management are directly related to overall cultural differences, including the very perception of time.
However, one thing is evident, regardless of those different perceptions of time — the connection between getting enough sleep and happiness. It is proven in numerous studies, and the experts suggest that adults should sleep between 7 and 9 hours.
This is an important aspect of time management, and the vital conclusion is — getting a good night's sleep can make a huge difference.
Additionally, there's a correlation between feeling happy and getting enough sleep. The explanation is simple — people who are happy are less likely to indulge in mind-wandering activities (especially when they go to bed), and are more likely to be productive.
According to research by Sleep Score Labs, people in Finland get the most sleep per night — 7 hours and 6 minutes. Consequently, they also have the highest Happiness Score — 7.8 out of 8.
In contrast, with a score of only 5.9, people in Japan sleep considerably less — 6 hours and 23 minutes.
The US is somewhere in between, so there's definitely room for improvement. The average time is 6 hours and 47 minutes per night and a score of 6.9.
Statistics on time management at work
When it comes to business, the saying "Time is money" can be applied at all times. Therefore, productivity and adequate task prioritization are arguably the key aspects of success.
Moreover, business owners who leverage the power of team time management apps have higher:
- Employee productivity and morale,
- Employee satisfaction and retention, and
- Revenue levels.
Now let's walk a mile each in both employee's shoes and employer's — by observing statistics on time management at work.
Time management statistics for employees
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." — J.R.R. Tolkien
There are many things that individual employees can do to improve their daily effectiveness at work.
However, you can already conclude from the data above that's often not the case.
The data below indicates that it's a type of decision that no one can really force on anybody else.
Office-based employees spend 2 hours per day browsing through their email inbox
Independent reports study conducted in the UK examined the habits of 2,000 office workers and found that the time wasted on emails equals 30 working days per year.
That's a whole month of unproductive behavior, easily explained by the average of 2 hours per day spent browsing through the inbox.
Approximately half of that time is spent on:
- Emails that could've been a quick call,
- Accidentally re-reading old emails, and
- Checking our inboxes for new messages.
Interestingly, more than half (54%) admitted they often lose focus because they check their emails too often — but at the same time, they can't stop. That's the case with habits in general, even for those that were not intentionally developed.
Supporting the claim, McKinsey analysis also suggests that the average worker spends 28% of their time reading and answering emails.
Apart from email, poor time management statistics point to 2 other common issues that negatively affect this set of skills:
- 20% of respondents struggle with their performance due to the lack of IT knowledge, and
- 15% report being too embarrassed to ask for help while stuck with an office suite-related issue.
People who properly manage their valuable time won't allocate any of it to being confused if a team member can help.
Furthermore, that says a lot about the personality type, as ambitious people always want to learn how to do something, especially if it's relevant to their role at work.
Productivity tips for 16 personality types based on MBTI How to manage email productivity: Tips from Patty Kreamer, a professional organizer26% of work ends up being done outside of office hours
Bringing work home or staying after hours is a common problem that affects one's mental health and leads to burnout.
Not only that, but it can also trigger further complications in other life aspects, such as:
- Interpersonal relationships,
- Social life,
- Time for hobbies, and
- Self-improvement time.
So arguably, the whole point of perfecting time management is to achieve the ideal work-life balance.
It's difficult to imagine a world where the average workload is so unrealistic that over a quarter (26%) of it needs to be done outside of work hours.
Results from the time management report mentioned in a Forbes article provide the explanation as well — on average, employees spend 21% of their work hours on:
- Entertainment,
- Social media, and
- News.
When you add procrastination between tasks, inefficient multitasking, and other factors of poor time management into the equation, the math seems right.
Chatty coworkers are the most common distraction at work
Chatting with colleagues is a common reason for procrastination at work — and the survey results found on Statista show that 80% of workers agree about this.
Another reason is office noise, closely followed by changes at work. Meetings and social media complete the top 5 list.
1. Chatty coworkers | For 80% of respondents |
2. Office noise | For 70% of respondents |
3. Feeling overwhelmed by rapid changes at work | For 61% of respondents |
4. Meetings | For 60% of respondents |
5. Social media | For 56% of respondents |
Needless to say, people with great time management skills are more responsible and won't make room for (at least some of) the mentioned distractions.
The most common workplace distractions and tips on how to tackle themIn the US, the average time at work per year is 1,791 hours
Due to various cultural, geopolitical, and economic factors, different regions have different standards of what counts as a regular workload per week.
For this reason, the number of hours people work varies by country and is the lowest in Germany — 1,349 hours per year, or 25.9 hours per week on average.
Some other countries with working weeks on the lower end are:
- France — 1,490 hours per week,
- The Netherlands — 1,497 hours per week, and
- The UK — 1,575.6 hours per week.
On the other hand, the one with the highest average is Turkey with a worrying amount of 2,288 hours. The US is somewhere in between, with an average of 1,791 hours.
As you can see, developing time management skills depends on the region as well, as cultural values and the very perception of time differ. As a consequence, the approach to tracking time differs as well — Western cultures tend to do so by the clock, while Eastern focus on events and are more concerned with the context.
So, two people with the exact same time management skills will be perceived differently in different parts of the world.
79% of employees don't feel engaged at work
Now let's check out how negative emotions (such as anger, sadness, worry, and stress) impact our work, according to Gallup's annual global report.
79% of workers reported they were either actively disengaged or not engaged enough at work, so productivity levels dropped significantly.
It is estimated that this low engagement costs the global economy $7.8 trillion, or around 11% of the Gross Domestic Product.
Workplace culture surely matters here, but it's also up to employees to be proactive and start measuring their productivity and efficiency.
44% of employees feel stress on a daily basis
Stress is one of the most common consequences of poor time management.
As the deadline gets closer, anxiety levels increase, especially for those who don't have an exact plan.
The previously mentioned Gallup's report also shows some eye-opening statistics about time management and stress — 44% of workers said they are trying to cope with stress daily, which is an all-time high.
Here's what else employees worldwide report feeling on a daily basis:
- Worry — 40%,
- Anger — 21%, and
- Sadness — 23%.
The formulation of the question makes these numbers even more problematic, as everyone was asked if they'd experienced said feelings "a lot."
Time anxiety: what it is and how you can deal with itTime management statistics for business owners
With great power comes great responsibility — and business owners are well aware of this fact. Creating a positive, goal-oriented environment that will encourage other employees to thrive is not easy.
Every decision a leader makes ought to align with the uniquely crafted company values, as it will affect team connectivity and each employee.
Luckily for business owners, there are various solutions available to help them establish certain time management standards within the company.
Here's to name a few of those solutions:
- Tracking time and productivity,
- Leveraging the power of automation, and
- Leading by example.
Leaders work on close to 80% of weekends
Have you heard the saying there's no rest for the wicked? Evidently, it applies to the wicked and CEOs.
According to the results from one study, leaders spend 9.7 hours (on average) working on weekdays and 62.5 hours total per week.
The number implies they also work on weekends, which was the case for 79% of participants.
Moreover, the percentage of those who also work during their vacation days is almost as high — 70%.
According to the stats, CEOs attend 37 business meetings per week on average, which consume about 72% of their time.
Here's what they reported about the usual length of meetings:
- 1+ hour — 38%,
- Approximately 1 hour — 32%, and
- Less than 1 hour — 30%.
87% of US employees who are offered flexible work gladly embrace the opportunity
A fixed schedule may be beneficial, but not for everyone. For example, many people with young children find the 9-to-5 schedule problematic and prefer starting earlier.
That's why close to 90% of US employees who were given the option of flexible work took their employers up on that offer, according to the latest McKinsey report.
There is an abundance of benefits that come with flexible working hours and because of that the increasing number of employees expect at least some level of flexibility at work.
It's no wonder, especially if we take into account the availability of time management apps that can help both employers and employees get and stay organized.
As a matter of fact, an article published in Entrepreneur mentions several additional studies that all suggest "The days of nine to five, Monday to Friday work schedules are numbered."
8 fast ways to increase employee productivityCollab tools are the most important aspect of flexible work for 36.77% of companies
A recent report by PwC examined what matters the most for flexible and remote work environments. Some things related to workforce management may be difficult to achieve when coworkers are not in the office, perhaps not even in the same time zone.
Luckily we're living in the digital age.
Besides, connecting via virtual channels reduces several distractions — such as office noise and chatting with colleagues.
The top spot for future investments in this segment went to connection tools (46.42%). We're talking about videoconferencing and chat tools such as Skype or Zoom, aside from email.
The second most important category (36.77%) was content collaboration tools such as Slack, Trello, Pumble, Teams, etc.
The exact same percentage (36.77%) reported no need for future investments because they already have and use those tools.
For 44% of organizations, lack of funds is the biggest obstacle in tracking productivity
Tracking your productivity levels helps you find segments of the day when you can be fully focused.
Organizations that systematically measure and analyze this segment have a better understanding of their internal operation, which results in better use of their potential.
Other stats from the PwC report we've mentioned above show financial matters are the biggest obstacle in tracking productivity, in this case, for 44%.
Other relevant obstacles were:
- Time restraint (39%),
- Employee resistance (38%),
- Resources distributed to crisis management (36%),
- Lack of other resources (34%),
- Technology being too complicated (33%), and
- The lack of technology tools (28%).
Organizations valued over $5 billion track their productivity more often
We've already mentioned that successful people share many values and habits, so it's not surprising that successful organizations use the same practices as well.
In this case, what they have in common is being on top of the latest trends, meaning they are always eager to improve.
When it comes to the frequency of productivity audits, 11% of organizations whose value doesn't exceed $5 billion report conducting them on an hourly basis, measuring the productivity of a specific task.
Confirming the direct relation of time management and success, the same PwC report indicates 25% of organizations valued at over $5 billion conduct hourly tracking.
Multiple follow-up studies revealed another supporting claim — 75% of poorly performing employees who took specific actions (over the course of 6 months or less) rose to acceptable levels, or even higher.
That's the power of proper time and productivity management.
71% of US companies report embracing agile ways of working
Agile working practices are complex and highly dependent on the industry — even a specific organization — but essentially refer to flexibility.
The method differs from the traditional one in the sense that it's not a linear process, but rather a loop of regular evaluations and adjustments. The possibility of remote work, for example, is one of the aspects of agile project management.
In the US, 71% of organizations have adopted this method, according to the Capterra report.
Why time tracking is essential for project managementStatistics on time management for students
"Better three hours too soon than one minute too late." — William Shakespeare
Effective time management matters in every stage of life, but it's especially relevant during high school and college.
Teenagers and young adults are still developing habits, so it's easier for them to learn.
Moreover, their approach to organization and structure has a major impact on their overall growth and self-image. The discipline results in more leisure time and makes the academic experience less stressful.
Furthermore, it also strengthens their values and helps them adapt to the responsibilities once they start working.
Why a time tracker is a great tool for students and teachersStatistics on students' time management skills
Despite being objectively easier for students to adopt habits, socialization and other fun activities can often be their priority during this period.
However, those who learn to effectively manage their schedule and responsibilities from an early age actually have more time for themselves.
Moreover, the lack of stress contributes to that time being of higher quality.
54% of college students think better organizational skills would improve their performance
It's proven that organizational skills are of utmost importance for various aspects of life — especially when it comes to academic studies and later careers.
However, college student time management statistics show that 47% believe that the level of education on the topic is insufficient.
Despite being digital natives, 48% of those with a system manage their tasks by writing them down by hand.
More than half, 54% exactly, said their grades and overall performance would be better if they had better organizational skills.
How boredom can make you more productive and creative88% of college students wish to improve their time management skills
Following the data from the previous statistics, once students get to experience higher-level academic requirements, too many end up feeling inadequate.
88% report wanting to improve their time management and organizational skills. After all, only 21.7% said they use database software for organizing their assignments, while another 23% just memorize the to-do list in their head.
Their values are often based on failure and success binary opposition — however, as we've mentioned, that fear of failure often results in procrastination.
How to plan your day and stay organizedStatistics on student procrastination
As we've seen earlier, the topic of procrastination is closely connected to time management skills.
When a task has an allocated time slot within a day, people are more likely to finish it — to avoid disrupting their schedules.
Academic procrastination is the subcategory specifically relevant for students. This phenomenon is defined as the delay in starting or finalizing an academic assignment, and it goes hand in hand with academic burnout.
Student guide to productivityThe majority of students struggle with procrastination
Even though different studies point to different percentages, one thing is for sure — most college students procrastinate.
The lowest percentage of students who procrastinate (mentioned in a study by Rozental and Carlbring from 2014) was around 50%, while the highest (Steel, 2007) went up to a whopping 95%.
There are several possible explanations for such a large gap in the percentage of students who procrastinate. It may simply be that different target groups had different habits.
However, it may also be that the lower percentage had something to do with the fact that one research was conducted 7 years later.
So, another logical conclusion would be that technological advancements made the academic experience easier, in a way.
Here's to name a few contributing factors that help ease the experience:
- The availability of resources,
- Time tracking apps and programs, and
- Collaboration tools.
Interestingly, one of the more recent studies indicates that the percentage of academic procrastinators is somewhere between the two aforementioned. The results point to 70-75% of students having the tendency to postpone their academic tasks and activities.
Now let's see why the tendency occurs.
Supported by an abundance of research and studies, time management in college statistics point to the fear of failure as the primary reason for academic procrastination.
Some of the main indicators that are often cited are:
- An irregular sleep pattern,
- Poor quality of sleep,
- Higher stress levels, and
- Feelings of guilt, inadequacy, confusion, anxiety, and even depression.
Developing time management skills can thus drastically boost one's potential to succeed in their academic life. Moreover, as you can conclude from the negative aspects we've mentioned, it's not only about academic life but rather the structure that builds confidence and a positive self-image.
How to overcome imposter syndrome at work58% of students submit the assignments within the last 24 hours of the deadline
Here, it seems appropriate to mention the saying: "Deadline is the best motivation."
Regardless of how the students had used the time in between, when given a full week to complete a task, 58% submitted it on the last day.
It's all about self-regulation.
Further analysis of the results showed that the procrastinators also had significantly lower scores.
Those results show that 76% of students who submitted their assignments early got higher scores (A or B). On the other hand, this was the case for only 60% of the procrastinators.
There are several reasons why early submitters have higher performance:
- When any given task is divided into smaller segments, it's easier to remain motivated and focused. Moreover, whenever a segment is completed, it is followed by a feeling of satisfaction.
- In most cases, the given tasks are related to parts of the curriculum that are still fresh in the students' minds.
- There's always room for improvement. If a student completes the task on day 3 and sleeps on it before submission, they might come up with an idea on how to make it better.
Recognition is the best motivation for overcoming procrastination
So, what's the solution to procrastination?
This can vary depending on the type of motivation that a certain personality type values more — intrinsic or extrinsic.
Procrastination statistics from a recent study on motivational factors indicate that receiving recognition — a traditionally extrinsic motivator — was ranked at the top for 49% of students.
Then we have the practical study approach, which breaks the procrastination pattern for 22% of students, followed by collaborative work with 18% of students.
However, that's exactly the thing you should do if you want to improve and, at some point, master time management skills — you ought to learn that recognition doesn't have to be external.
It goes without saying that the external type, especially coming from a person in a superior position (teacher, manager at work, parent, etc.), is more effective.
Yet, recognizing your own achievements, no matter how small they seem, will bring your mindset to another level.
One way to start with this kind of positive approach is to introduce a reward system.
If there's a proper correlation between the time and cognitive effort invested in a task and the reward, your internal motivation will almost certainly reach the level of external motivation.
Your favorite candy bar or an episode of a TV show is a great choice for smaller tasks, while a full treat-yourself-pampering-mode-day is great for larger projects or exams.
It simply works.
Motivation guide: How to get and stay motivatedInteresting time management statistics
"Time is the longest distance between two places." — Tennessee Williams
Did you know that highly successful people have numerous habits in common, such as devoting 15 to 30 minutes a day to focused thinking?
In the following segment, we'll cover some interesting details and statistics regarding the topic.
The positive impact of properly managing your time
The baseline of all time management skills is self-discipline, or a commitment to develop and stick to healthy habits. Only once we take control of our time can we actually achieve a balance between different aspects of our lives.
So, keeping up with your deadlines at work will result in more quality time to, for example, pursue new hobbies and strengthen your personal relationships in your free time.
That also means your stress levels will be reduced, and you'll feel more confident and more capable to achieve your goals.
Countries with shorter working hours or a 4-day week have the happiest citizens
The data from the latest World Happiness Report published in 2022 shows that the truth is the opposite of popular but outdated beliefs about people living in Nordic countries.
The uncorroborated narrative claims that Nordic people are prone to depression and have the highest suicide rate.
However, that's not the case, and the people living over there are actually thriving. As a matter of fact, 3 out of 5 countries with the happiest citizens are Nordic.
The list of overall satisfaction rates for the top 5 goes as follows:
- Finland (7.821 out of 8),
- Denmark (7.636),
- Iceland (7.557),
- Switzerland (7.512), and
- Netherlands (7.415).
Additionally, it's the Nordic countries that introduced numerous studies on the 4-day week that resulted in increased productivity and happiness among the employees.
For example, successful results from a trial in Iceland led to 86% of the country's workforce either working shorter hours or gaining the right to do so in the near future.
Regular time slots for socialization are an important aspect of time management
Planning your weekly schedule should always include time for socialization.
Allocating a portion of each day to a simple activity such as, taking a walk, is a real serotonin booster.
The same research with a sample of 2.3 million people indicates that taking a hike or a walk on your own raises mood by 2%. If that activity is shared with a friend, the percentage is at 7.5% and even higher, and 8.9% if shared with a partner.
Over 350 genetic factors impact one's cognitive ability during the day
Society as a whole is based on an early bird's schedule, surely — but don't stress too much if you're a night owl.
Of course, the circadian rhythm is a matter of fact, but our internal clocks are complex and equally important. A study of genome-wide data of almost 700,000 participants proved that the reason is a variation in the chronotype of an individual.
The number of genetic factors that will determine when a person feels energized the most is 351. So, it turns out that there's no one-size-fits-all magic formula when it comes to proper time management, and we should plan our schedules in accordance with our internal clocks instead.
How I calculated my biological prime timeAllocate enough time to sleep to avoid several health conditions
On average, it's estimated that people who complete all of the REM and non-REM stages during one night dream for 2 full hours.
This matters because dreaming helps people process and deal with their emotions. Admittedly, you don't have to plan or schedule these hours, but this is just one more example of how a consistent sleep pattern benefits mental health.
Many studies focused on a regular sleep pattern and how the lack of it reflects badly on our physical and mental health. We'll stick with a study that examined the impact of sleep deprivation on emotions and social interactions.
The results once again underline the importance of getting enough sleep. It's much easier to lose focus and get distracted if one hasn't processed their emotions, which badly reflects on your decisions.
Moreover, the results indicate that sleep deprivation leads to a lower understanding of:
- Social cues, and
- Facial expressions.
That can cause problems at the workplace — even if you've allocated time for work properly.
This is especially relevant for planning and scheduling meetings, as the two factors play a major role in this type of social interaction.
Other results from the same study once again underline the importance of being well-rested. Participants who slept only 4.5 hours per night reported increased appetite and hunger. That wasn't the case for the ones who slept for 8.5 hours.
All things considered, our physical and cognitive capabilities are highly dependent on sleep, and the lack of consistency in our sleep patterns can result in severe problems.
That's why it's vital for our well-being to adequately allocate enough time to sleep and be consistent.
Statistics on how people deal with poor time management
Not being able to manage time properly can have a major impact on one's overall well-being, including both physical and mental health.
Many people don't realize that a schedule shouldn't be all about planning your responsibilities. On the contrary, if we don't plan for breaks, vacations, and leisure time in general, we can find ourselves overseeing those, equally important aspects of life.
Free time management calculatorsIn 2015, the National Plan for Vacation Day was introduced in the US
Taking a vacation is just like planning your daily breaks — but on a larger scale.
The latest survey results published on the US government website indicate that 63% of Americans feel they desperately need a vacation.
Despite 93% reporting it's important to use their paid time off to travel, most don't get to do it.
The situation was so bad that the government decided to introduce an encouragement policy — National Plan for Vacation Day, which is celebrated in the US on the last Tuesday of January. Thousands of organizations nationwide use the day to inspire their employees for future getaways.
But, why did the government want to encourage Americans to take their time off regularly?
Because the fact is affecting more than just one's mental health — we're talking about the economy.
According to the same source, if people planned a vacation in advance and actually went, this would create an opportunity for up to 2 million additional jobs in various industries.
The vast majority would be jobs in the travel and hospitality industry, naturally.
However, it doesn't stop there, as tourism's contribution is much greater and reaches various other sectors, such as:
- Automotive,
- Construction,
- Manufacturing, and
- IT.
The total loss from missing opportunities and travel spend was estimated at $151.5 billion.
How to be more proactive at work and in lifeGovernment in Japan launched an initiative due to the long working hours
One of the main aspects of being a good time manager is creating a balance between your work and your personal life.
However, in some cultures, workaholism is embraced as a positive thing, appreciated, and even encouraged. That's certainly been the case with Japan. For years, Japan kept the record as the country with the longest working hours.
The peak happened in 2012 with 147.1 hours per month, on average. It has been decreasing since and in 2020 reached its record low of 135.1 hours.
In 2016, a government survey revealed almost 25% of Japanese employees worked a whopping 80 hours of overtime per month. Also, workers in Japan, on average, didn't take 10 of their vacation days — and 63% of those who did felt guilty.
Not having enough time for rest and leisure results in a major deterioration of one's mental health. One of the most extreme cases shocked the whole world in 2015. An employee who had been working 100 hours of overtime per month took her life after struggling with severe depression caused by overwork.
The Japanese government later introduced an additional public holiday and started the Premium Friday initiative, the goal of which is for employees to leave work early on the day.
How to recognize if you're being overworkedBonus: Time Management FAQ
"Own time, or time will own you." — Brian Norgard
Let's check out the most common issues related to understanding the importance of time management by looking into 6 frequently asked questions that could help you get the big picture.
Is time management a life skill?
In short, yes.
But the topic is much more complex as time management is not really a single, but an array of various skills related to:
- Planning,
- Organization, and
- Execution of tasks.
Many people start managing their time in school in order to boost their productivity and efficiency in completing their academic tasks. And for the vast majority, it's to prepare for further work responsibilities.
However, not too many understand it's crucial to apply the same strategies and prioritize tasks in your personal life as well.
What are 3 reasons why time management is important?
The way we choose to allocate our time during the day is what shapes our personalities. Even the seemingly insignificant habits develop into routines and, eventually, the way of life.
There's an abundance of reasons why taking control of your time matters for every aspect of your lives, and here are the 3 main ones:
- Better work-life balance,
- Greater focus, and
- Higher levels of productivity.
What is the effectiveness of time management?
Effective time management refers to a unique skill set and thus differs for every individual.
In plain words, it means to work smarter, not harder.
Various tasks in our daily routine are mentally exhausting, while others wear us off physically.
To be effective is to plan the order of those tasks in a way to be fully focused while doing them. We already know that the average person spends approximately one-third of their life sleeping, so it's about leveraging every moment we're awake to its full potential.
What are the benefits of time management?
First, there's a direct correlation between time management and mental health — as being in charge of your own schedule boosts your confidence and self-image.
Showing up on time, meeting deadlines, and feeling focused and productive while at work further make other people respect you more.
So, as far as it goes for the benefits of time management, statistics point to a natural consequence — stress and anxiety levels being significantly reduced.
That way, time passes more smoothly, and your life starts operating like a well-oiled machine. The main result is thus a great work-life balance that we all strive for.
What is the best way to manage your time?
There are many proven techniques and strategies to improve your time management skills. However, due to the complexity of the concept and the diversity of our capabilities, there is no "one size fits all" approach.
The only constant rule is to monitor your performance and track your progress.
According to Harvard Business Review, to manage your time better, there are 3 main categories of skills to develop:
- Awareness,
- Arrangement, and
- Adaptation.
Bear in mind that it's perfectly fine to experiment a bit until you find what works for you. Especially because, as technology advances, many digital solutions are available to help you do so.
From automation of various tasks and regular reminders to productivity tracking and reporting, these are just some of the features which will enhance your efforts.
How do you master time management?
According to Gladwell's theory, it takes approximately 10,000 hours to master a complex skill. However, it's difficult to talk about time management in that context, as the starting point is different for everyone.
But no worries, we can still point you in the right direction.
In gist, mastering time management means 3 things:
- Taking responsibility,
- Developing positive habits, and
- Being determined to improve.
The pace of our life changes as we mature, as well as the surrounding circumstances. It all comes down to our ability to adapt and, ultimately, learn to truly value the limited resource of time.
Scheduling for breaks or creativity may sound strange at first, but it will help you build momentum. Furthermore, there's a reason all of the most successful people do so.
Effective time management statistics reveal there are 5 vital habits that such people share, according to Forbes:
- Learning how to multitask in a productive way,
- Using the technology to shorten the in-person meetings time,
- Creating a routine,
- Writing everything down, and
- Scheduling periods for creativity.
Wrapping it up: Time management is all about getting things done
To sum up, we all need to embrace the fact that time is a limited resource.
So, being a good time manager actually means:
- Using all the resources available,
- Learning to set and achieve goals, and
- Becoming the best version of ourselves.
The time management statistics above reveal that many people struggle just because they lack the right approach or the right tools.
Just remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, so it's all about progress and one step at a time approach.
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